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Hi guys. I am working on adding a small monitor (8 inch) to my CP to display game specific control info using a program like CP Wizard. I currently have two monitors in my cab (main monitor plus small monitor for marquee) and use MM to display images on the smaller monitor. I was under the impression that MM would allow me to display images on the third monitor like it does on the second one. But when I try to create a new window and move it from the second monitor to the third one, it immediately returns to the second monitor. I'm running an "extended desktop" with the marquee monitor in position "2" and the CP monitor in position "3". My video card is powering the main monitor and the marquee monitor and the on-board video is powering the CP monitor. Could the use of two video sources be to blame? Or can MM not handle this many monitors? Thx in advance for any input!


The images snap to the 2nd monitor by design. Probably the simplest thing for you to do would be to edit the coordinates in the iview.ini for the 3rd monitor by hand.


So here's what I ended up doing. Not sure if this is what u had in mind Tempest and not entirely sure this is the best approach. It did work tho. I took the iview.ini for the GameEx template and changed the X and Y coordinates to correlate to the 3rd monitor. I'm running all monitors at the same resolution, so the width and height remained the same. I fired up GameEx and the image that is usually on the 2nd monitor when I start up the frontend was nicely placed on the 3rd monitor. Does that seem like the way u were thinking about Tempest? Or were u thinking of modifying the coordinates in the overall iview.ini so that I could push the right edge of the canvas to the 3rd monitor thereby allowing me to use the template creator to actually create windows in the 3rd monitor the way I want them? If that's the case, I'm not sure how I would need to change them because the values that I'm seeing in that .ini file for coordinates and height/width don't make sense to me. Here's what I see in there:







I would've expected the xKoor value to be 1920 (left edge of 2nd monitor) and yKoord to be 0 (top edge of 2nd monitor). This is what I see in the template .ini files. I would've expected the width to be 1920 and the height to be 1080. Again, for templates where single images are being displayed, these are the values I see. I was thinking u could change the width to 3840 to account for the 2nd and 3rd monitors combined. The height would be the same. I would think the coordinates would be 1920 for "X" to represent the left edge of monitor 2 and 0 for "Y" to represent the top edge of both monitors. LMK what u think. Thx!


So here's what I ended up doing. Not sure if this is what u had in mind Tempest and not entirely sure this is the best approach. It did work tho. I took the iview.ini for the GameEx template and changed the X and Y coordinates to correlate to the 3rd monitor. I'm running all monitors at the same resolution, so the width and height remained the same. I fired up GameEx and the image that is usually on the 2nd monitor when I start up the frontend was nicely placed on the 3rd monitor. Does that seem like the way u were thinking about Tempest?

Yes, That is what I meant.

Or were u thinking of modifying the coordinates in the overall iview.ini so that I could push the right edge of the canvas to the 3rd monitor thereby allowing me to use the template creator to actually create windows in the 3rd monitor the way I want them? If that's the case, I'm not sure how I would need to change them because the values that I'm seeing in that .ini file for coordinates and height/width don't make sense to me. Here's what I see in there:







I would've expected the xKoor value to be 1920 (left edge of 2nd monitor) and yKoord to be 0 (top edge of 2nd monitor). This is what I see in the template .ini files. I would've expected the width to be 1920 and the height to be 1080. Again, for templates where single images are being displayed, these are the values I see. I was thinking u could change the width to 3840 to account for the 2nd and 3rd monitors combined. The height would be the same. I would think the coordinates would be 1920 for "X" to represent the left edge of monitor 2 and 0 for "Y" to represent the top edge of both monitors. LMK what u think. Thx!

There is no 'overall' Iview.ini. Each image has it's own ini file so that Iview knows where to place it. If you open an image in Iview on your own, then an ini file would be created in the Iview folder. I think that is the ini file that you are looking at.


I see. Yeah, the iview.ini that I saw in the MM folder might have been from just opening an image using IrfanView. I know I've viewed images thru that program in the past.

BTW, would u happen to have an older version of MM that doesn't have the "snap" functionality by chance? I can always modify the .ini files to ensure that the edges of each image are touching the edges of the monitors. But it would be nice to be able to at least get all windows lined up the way I like them on both monitors. LMK. Thx again for ur help, Tempest!

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