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Hello, this is my problem: running gameex, select x-men start by default 6 player version (double screen display) . i want 2 player version.

I try that:

* delete rom for 6 player , the game dont work <_<

* rename the 2 player version to 6 player , the game dont work :( ,

* delete 6 player rom version and refresh list from gameex the game is not listed :blink: .

There is some setup for define which rom is started at select xmen game ?



Hello, this is my problem: running gameex, select x-men start by default 6 player version (double screen display) . i want 2 player version.

I try that:

* delete rom for 6 player , the game dont work <_<

* rename the 2 player version to 6 player , the game dont work :( ,

* delete 6 player rom version and refresh list from gameex the game is not listed :blink: .

There is some setup for define which rom is started at select xmen game ?


The way the games are being displayed probably have to do with how you have your settings. You could even filter the games out that you don't want displayed to ensure that the game you desire is selected.


Mmm, i not very sure how do that, because the wizard setup only have a 4 player flag, The problem arise after licensing gamex. Befor show every version of each game. After licensing, gamex auto compress the list and only show last version of game or some like that.I don´t now how reverse this feature. I guess this is the path to solution.



Frequency, you are absoluty rigth, i apply fliter out xmen4pu in setup wizard, rebuild list from gameex (one more XD) and WORK !


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