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[RESOLVED] GameEx Crashing After System Crash


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Hi Guys,

First some background. I have a somewhat intermittent problem of my system crashing due to kernel power errors in Win7 x64. My research on this particular error has shown that the cause is something of a mystery as it can result from any number of issues. That part is neither here nor there, but it does give some background to my current problem in GameEx. To be honest the kernel power crashes occur so rarely that I haven't spent a lot of time and energy trying to address the underlying problem.

I experienced a kernel power error tonight while I was starting up GameEx. I think some of my GameEx system files may have been corrupted because now when I attempt to start GameEx it crashes and displays the following message (my GameEx log shows the same):

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Opening Configuration File

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: GameEx: Version 12.20: Starting Log

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Operating System Platform: Win32NT

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Operating System Name: Windows 7

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Operating System Version: 6.1.7601

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Aero running

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Checking for versions of .net Framework installed

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: .net Framework 2.0 Installed

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: .net Framework 3.0 Installed

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: .net Framework 3.5 Installed

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Intel® Core™ i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz, 8055MB

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: 4.09Ghz - 4 Cores or CPU's

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Running Randomize()

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Loading PlugIns

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Running Misc startup tasks

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Setting Menu types

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Getting Configuration Values

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Using Theme: Default - Media Center

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Checking for alternate Image Directory for Theme: Default - Media Center

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Using Images from theme: Default - Media Center V1\MEDIA\

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Launching HideOS.exe

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Initialising Video/MNG DLL's

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: GameEx will check for media insertion (may affect performance)

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Hiding Taskbar

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Is Media Center running?

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Checking/Creating LCD Registry values

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Check Media Center Exit/Start Mode

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Media Center Mode 2

22:39:09.5 11/11/2011: Video previews on. Warning: Only recommended on modern systems

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Snap Delay set to: 2

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Get other settings

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Desktop set to Hide ICONS and set Background to Black

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Set: Find emulator artwork on best match basis

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Start work for Form

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Getting Original Screen Size

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Opening Database Connection

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: --**--

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Error: Unrecognized database format 'C:\GameEx\DATA\data.mdb'.

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor(OleDbConnectionString constr, OleDbConnection connection)

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject)

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup)

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at a.ᜀ(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2)

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: at a..ctor()

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Disposing Plugins

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: GameEx is exiting with errors

22:39:09.6 11/11/2011: Deleting search cache

22:39:11.2 11/11/2011: ERRORS DETECTED: EXITING

This error seems to be fairly persistent. I've tried reinstalling GameEx, as well as deleting my cache files from \GameEx\DATA\, but the error seems to hang in there. I haven't tried a completely fresh install, but that may be an option if necessary. Any help or advice I can get on resolving this error would be tremendously appreciated. Thanks in advance guys!

UPDATE: I just attempted rolling back to an earlier restore point in Windows. This seems to have solved the problem. Sorry for the unnecessary post!

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I sometimes think its good to post even if you find or resolve the issue yourself, sometimes a pointer in the right direction is all some people need to get out of a tricking issue with a problem so its all valuable information.

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