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Ok, I finished my steam game loader. Its should work with any steam game or regular pc game including ones that have their own launcher. The principal is similar to couslev's solution but it attempts to use the proper running process instead of steams gameoverlayui.exe as well as being able to click through launchers and stuff like that.

Heres the download:


Basic instructions are included in the zip file or go to http://wp.me/p10EGr-S. but basically you set it up as if the program was an an emulator and then your game links were roms. That way when you get a new game all you have to do is drop the shortcut steam makes into your rom folder and your good to go.

Just use: ugl.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" command line.

It will accept lnk, url and exe files.

If your using games with a launcher, it will automatically click the start buttons for you with minimal configuration. Use the included mouse position tool to get the info needed and then just enter it in the ini file.

I also included a tool that will close the Steam Offline popup if you are like me and use steam in offline mode on your htpc. Just put in your startup folder and it will wait 60 seconds for the window to appear and close it if it does. Otherwise it will just close itself after the times up.

I mostly use gamebrowser for my PC games and Gameex for roms, so it has a few other features which gameex has built in already. But everything is configurable from the ini file.

Anyways, if you use it, let me know how it works out for you.


Thanks for the share! The method I'm using works fine right now (straight up lnk files and no clicking required), but I don't use steam either. Hopefully someone will post that understands this.

You may want to up this into the contributions thread in the pinned topic forum so out doesn't get lost.

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