Hi All,
First off, im no programmer just a gadget junkie and old skool gamer..building for my daughters...who have helped with testing.
I started to build a mame cab which turned into a pinball/mame cab which has now turned into a Mame/Pinball/VR cab.
I have been using PinballX for everything and wondering is other VR vive users out there?
I can get Mame/Future pinball (bam) and Pinball FX2 VR all working and this got me thinking how cool to have them all in a PinballX VR setup.
I have Dolphin VR working also but not through Pinball X yet... :-)
Any other want/need/think this would be cool? if so lets go behind Tom and team and see if something can be done?
So in Short turn Pinball X into a VR front end for Pinball/Arcade..