Hey peeps, Its been a looooooong time. I recently built a new mini ITX console killer PC and its everything a man wants/needs in his mancave. I decided to update my ancient emulators and everything is kool accept SSF. The problem is that is launches but because its launched is delayed Game EX exits which sucks. I never had this delayed launch on Windows 7, I am on Windows 10 and I think this is linked. Anyway it works fine outside game EX just with a 4 second delay which may or may not be related. Runitgame chcp 65001E:CD "E:\Games\emulated\sega saturn\SSF_012_beta"cmd /c "E:\Games\Ultils\xpadder\SSFXpadderandLaunch64bit.bat "E:\Games\ROMs\Sega Saturn\Fighter's Megamix (U).mds""SSF.exestart "" "E:\Games\emulated\sega saturn\SSF_012_beta\deamon tools and xpadder exit64bit.bat"Log SSFXpadderandLaunch64bit.bat @ECHO OFF::Mounts Image"C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\dtlite.exe" -mount 0,%1::Launch XpadderCD /D "E:\games\Ultils\xpadder"start "" Xpadder.exe "SSF P1" "SSF P2" /Mdeamon tools and xpadder exit64bit.bat @echo offC:CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\" dtlite.exe -unmount 0 taskkill /im xpadder.exe /f ExitI have run the .bat files outside game ex and they do work as intended. Is there a way to get game EX to wait a little longer before deciding there was no response from SSF? Let me know & thanks in advance. Regards