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Found 5 results

  1. Welcom the the Pinball Sound Archive your sound archive taken from virtual pinball tables for you to enjoy in your pinball front-end or just listening to as is. Recorded in WavePad Sound Editor ME and has been normalized to -1.5dB with a fade out in the end with a lenght around 35 sec. The files is uploaded on the FTP - Other Uploads > gStAv > Table Audio <<< NOW ALL TABLE AUDIO FREE FOR EVERYONE >>> copy all files to your ...\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Table Audio\ folder !!! BE SURE TO RENAME THE FILES TO MATCH YOUR DATABASE !!! Latest update, 2019-01-14, 1 TABLE If you hear any crackling sound or other error, please report this to me, and I will try to replace the audio for that table. Updated tables is named tablename_v2.mp3 in FTP as I can't replace files. Feel free to reqest the sound to any virtual table not listed below and I see what I can do!
  2. hi there i seem to have troubles setting top my gameex/ledblinky system. i managed to get it working almost perfectly, but now i'm stuck at 'almost' which kind of drives me crazy. problem is the 'preview layout / control panel' function: it works perfectly on MAME games but not so on other systems (like commodore amiga / c64..): whenever i select a game it shows the correct led colors for the corresponding control panel and then reverts to the color- scheme of the frontend as intended. however, selecting non- MAME games previews all led's as 'off'. starting the game *will correctly load the default layout for that emulator*, so gameex seems to send the correct game/system info to ledblinky when starting a game, but not when previewing it. so, to me, it looks more like a gameex- issue than a ledblinky one, which is the reason why i post here. any help would be greatly appreciated. my system: windows 7 on a 'bootcamped' mac mini, gameex/ledblinky in their newest versions, a control panel with a howler arcade controller (which by the way works perfectly for me but is the reason why i can't use gameex's led- plugin as -in my understanding- it does not support that controller).
  3. Ok, Please forgive this if this is addressed somewhere else as i think it probably is. I looked for a while in the forums and could not find exactly what i was looking for. I have used GAMEEX for a year or so now and love it! I have 20 or so emulators setup and working. I have in the past setup MAME as an emulator in custom menu options. This has allowed me to have video previews from the main menu selection. If i set it up as " MAME" i am unable to get video previews from the main menu. Of course when i go into the MAME menu i see all the video previews in the sub menus (like ALL Mame Games, etc.). Is there a way to make the videos show in the main menu also? Am i just missing a check box somewhere? Thanks and again sorry if this is already been addressed!
  4. Hello everyone !!! I'm testing the latest version of GameEx and I have a little problem with the preview videos. They are in mp4 format and can not view them in GameEx. I only tried it on mame emulator. Do Gameex support this video format? I thought so, but it may not. Can anyone help me solve this?
  5. Hi to all, I've formatted my pc and reinstalled GameEx with all my emulators. There is a weird thing that happens... Some games in Mame emulator, show their snap and video previews for a very brief instant and then they disappear. I've installed any sort of codec, 32 and 64 bit. However the games run correctly. I've checked in my snap an video folders for verifying if the files of "corrupted" games are in same way different from the other, but i don't see any difference. Before the formatting all worked fine... (or almost). Is it a known problem? GameEx.ini log.txt
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