I was just curious if the was some sort of trial for the Pinballx Download Service? It defiantly seems like something I would be interested in but am on a budget and don't just want to fork out money for something I will never use. I am going to assume there is no such thing which leads me to my next question/request. It would be a big help if i could get some user experiences good or bad (without bashing of course) or maybe even a link to a video showing the service in action? I am aware, well assume that a free time trial is not feasible because one could just do the whole collection in a short amount of time so i am really banking on the user experience part. Maybe even what the long term benefits would be to having the subscription.
As a suggestion if there is not currently a sample/trial maybe allow a limited trial with a limited table amount (3 to 5 tables), specific tables only, or some really annoying watermark just to see the service in action.
Thanks in advance for any responses.