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  1. Following the release of PinballX V3.60 Loading Videos are now supported and the support for Loading GIFs has been removed (except if using PinballX inbuilt playfield image loading media with GIF overlay from V3.76). This is Version 2 of the Loading Image Plugin to mainly reflect these changes. Other changes include code clean up, config options removed (logging is now always on), ini file no longer used and the file extensions used by the plugin are changed (to allow for more types). *** Note - Use Version 1 if you are using an older version of PinballX (Pre V3.60) *** What Does It Do? This will depend on if you have selected 'Use playfield images' or 'Use loading folders' (under settings.exe, general settings, Table loading media mode) If Use Loading Folders Selected In this mode by default PinballX will use random videos from Pinballx\Media\Loading Videos (and if no videos then a random image from Pinballx\Media\Loading Images) as a loading screen after table selection during load. The plugin removes the random selection by limiting the available choices for PinballX to use by changing file extensions on table selection (and back on exit). The file(s) used as a loading image(s) follow these prioritised matching steps; Table Name Video(s) Table Description Video(s) Table Name Image(s) Table Description Image(s) System Name Video(s) System Name Image(s) Loading.xxx Video(s) Loading.xxx Image(s) So a match on table name in Loading Videos is the top priority, if no match is found there it will move to the next step and carry on through the process until file(s) matching the table name/description or system name are found (either Video or Image). If no matches are found then a Loading.xxx video file will be used, with Loading.png as a last resort catch all (for this reason it is recommended that you leave the PinballX\Media\Loading Images\Loading.PNG file [installed with PinballX] in place). Note, you can use different formats of videos or images at any step to introduce some randomness to the file used by PinballX (e.g. you can have TableName.AVI & TableName.MP4 - both would be available to PinballX when launching that table, with one being chosen randomly). The valid file formats that can be used are; Loading Images - PNG, JPG Loading Videos - AVI, MP4, FLV, F4V, MKV, MPG, MPEG If Use Playfield Images Selected In this mode by default PinballX will use a cartwheel type gif overlayed on an image of the selected table if no gifs are found in Pinballx\Media\Loading Images, if gifs are found then one is used randomly after table selection during load. The plugin removes the random selection by limiting the available choices for PinballX to use by changing file extensions on table selection (and back on exit). The gif used as a loading image follow these prioritised matching steps; Table Name gif Table Description gif System Name gif Loading.gif So a match on table name is the top priority, if no match is found there it will move to the next step and carry on through the process until a gif matching the table name/description or system name are found. If no matches are found then a Loading.gif file will be used, and if that is also not found PinballX will use the inbuilt cartwheel gif. Install Extract the contents of the zip file into your PinballX\Plugins folder, unblock the dll file if required (https://www.limilabs.com/blog/unblock-dll-file) and then enable the Loading Image Changer plugin in plugin manager. If updating from the previous version you can also delete the now unused PBXLoadingImage.ini in the PinballX\Plugins folder. Any Issues Please attach your PinballX.ini, Log.txt and PBXLoadingImage_log.txt files along with a brief decrioption of the problem. Thanks to cherga and simbamame for help testing the plugin V1 and Mike_da_Spike testing V2 on their systems. Also thanks to Tom Speirs and Adultery for PinballX and the plugin template used. PBXLoadingImage V2_3_1.zip
  2. Here's a pretty simple plugin for pinballx to control the loading image used, so that you can have custom loading images by table or by system name. What does it do? As pinballx selects a random .png image to use as the loading image from Pinballx\Media\Loading Images folder, the plugin on pinballx startup will rename all .png file extensions in loading images to .pbu (i used pbu to indicate PngBackUp). When you select a game it will rename one file back to a .png for pinballx to use based on matching criteria. If a file is found matching the table name then that is renamed to .png, if a file is found matching the system name then that is renamed to .png, otherwise it'll just rename the default Loading image to .png (so it does assume you have this file in place even if no others). Pinballx will then use the one renamed .png file as the loading image as no other .pngs are in the folder. Example I have 3 images in the Loading Images folder, Loading.png, Star Wars.png & Visual Pinball.png. On pinballx startup all files are changed to .pbu. If i then launch Star Wars the Star Wars.pbu is renamed back to Star Wars.png for use as the loading image. If i launch any other table under the system name Visual Pinball then the Visual Pinball image is renamed & used, and if I launch anything else the default Loading image is renamed and used as a catch all. Install Extract the contents of the zip file into your pinballx\plugins folder, unblock the dll file if required (https://www.limilabs.com/blog/unblock-dll-file) and then enable the Loading Image Changer plugin in plugin manager and you should be good to start adding png files to your loading images folder, named to match a table or system name (don't forget to leave a Loading.png file in place), table images,instruction cards, whatever.. Thanks to @chergaand @simbamame for help testing the plugin on their systems. Also thanks to @Tom Speirs and @Adultery for pinballx and the plugin template i used. Notes By default the plugin has logging enabled (log file in the plugins folder) once you're confident things are working you can disable it if you want. Please post the log file along with pinballx ini and log files if you do have issues. In the plugin config screen there is an Undo Changes button, this renames all the .pbu files in Loading Images back to .png. I could have done this on each pinballx exit, but this seemed cleaner. This can be used at anytime but most likely uses would be if you've created multiple new loading images and are about to copy them across, or are installing a new version of pinballx to prevent duplicates (the plugin will not work correctly if you have a Star Wars.png and a Star Wars.pbu in the same folder as the rename operation will fail) or if a future version of pinballx supports loading images by table/system name natively, or any other time you may want to disable the plugin and go back to random loading images. Plugin will also match files on table description to loading image file name. Order / hierarchy of matching is Table Name, Table Desc then System Name. 28/02/19 V1.0.1 Update Default now is to change all file extensions back (from pbu to png) on pinballx exit rather than via the button on config screen. As file extensions are being changed and no file copying taking place this shouldn't carry much overhead and reduces the chance of copying duplicate files into loading images. This can be disabled in config which will re-enable the manual undo button. Replace/Copy both files in the zip to your plugins folder and install as above. 29/04/19 V1.0.2 Update Support added for JPG format loading images following issue reported by @qcol in this thread. Loading images supported by the plugin are PNG, GIF and JPG. You can use a mixture of these formats, which will enable you to have up to three different loading images for one table or system (PinballX would then use one of the three randomly). Personally i'd stick to one format and one loading image per table / system.... but it's up to you!. Replace/Copy both files in the zip to your plugins folder and install as above. 05/09/2019 *** This plugin is for versions of PinballX up to V3.60 - Please use V2 for V3.60 and later *** https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/23127-plugin-pinballx-loading-video-image-changer-de-randomiser-v2/ PBXLoadingImage.zip
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