Hello everybody, I am only one second from going crazy. I have a problem with the PinballX DMD on my backglass monitor. In some of my tables the DMD is in front of the B2S-DMD, so it coveres the B2S-layouted DMD with the VPinMame-DMD (see picture DMD_1.png). This is the case in FunHouse, for example. To heal this, I manually have to click on the VPinMame DMD. After that it disappears and the B2S DMD appears as it should (see picture DMD_2.png). The flag "Hide DMD" in the Game Manager is simply ignored by the system. I can activate or deactivate it. No matter what I do, the DMD stays visible in PinballX. It must be a PinballX related problem, because as soon as I play the table directly in Visual Pinball, I only see the "pretty" B2S DMD. The only way to get rid of the DMD is to go to the setup wizard and set "DMD Enabled = No". But when I do this, the "Auto position DMD" doesn't work any more, althoug activated. That means, the VPinMame DMDs won't be positioned on my Backglass any more. I can manually move them, but the position gets lost after a restart of the table. Can somebody help me please? Timo P.S.: Everything runs as administrator in XP SP3 compatibility mode.