I like a lot the Hyperpie collection system, wich is able to display a list of games from differents emulators sharing the same theme.
For example, i want to display a menu called "Sonic Collection" displaying all the Sonic Games to i want to include and launch them correctly even if they use d...
What's this all about?
I recently decided that PinballX was the way to go. Years ago I bought the hardware to build an arcade cabinet for MAME and all the other stuff, but didn't have the time, space or tools to work on it. The parts sat dormant for 5 years until I decided that Pinball was way...
{Tthurman - King of the Sourcers} -- {Stigzler - Chief Nag and Despot} - {Draco - The Original Elvis} The Developer Logos Project > What's this?? Front Ends and the Emulation scene in general is getting bigger and bigger and the methods and systems running them flashier and flashier! Some Front...