Hello all, I do have 2 quick questions been searching here in the forum also in my gameex setup wizard exe and not luck,
1- How to add more time to video snaps between videos?
Right now I believe its like 5 secs or something how to edit that number to add more time....
When updating the MAME roms and mame64.exe from 0.211 to 0.212 I noticed that some games would not launch from GameEx Arcade Edition but they were still able to be launched from MAME by pressing tab from a launchable rom and using "select new machine". After many rollbacks and forward, I think that...
I am using the arcade addition and see there is no option for jukebox like in the regular edition? How might I go about adding this so I can play music with windows media player of a jukebox like app?
I have been using GameEx AE with all of my arcade builds and all of the sudden when I buy 5 AMD Processor PCs it doesn't work. Am I missing something? How can GameEx not work just with a difference in processor. Please Help!! I have many orders I need to fill building these PCs for my friends....