So I've run into a bit of a snag and not sure what to do about it. On my old Guitar Fighter PC, I had the Guitars control the menus and the dance pads did nothing by using custom keyboard keys and using the Xpadder plugin. I upgraded computers, (meaning Game-Ex was also upgraded after a year of not being connected to the internet) and had it set up exactly the same (imported old config files over.). The problem I'm having now is that the Guitars won't work on the menus, even though I have the plugin set to load a blank profile for the dance pads and the default profiles for the guitars. the keyboard works, just not the guitars. If I turn on the joystick support for the gameex menus, the guitars have their own control scheme and the dance pads push buttons (that i dont want them to) and still dont seem to work with x-padder. Now in game, everything functions like it should, just wont work for the menus.