Hello and Good Morning/Afternoon! I'm not 100% sure if this belongs in the "Future Enhancements And Requests" topic, and I apologize in advance if it does. I'm not sure where this would fall under lol, but I'm gonna "spell it out" anyway . I've got enough projects going on to last me throughout this and probably next year. I'm almost finished with my cab (will be finalizing by adding the trackball, lightguns, and retro controler usb inputs/support eg. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/6766076433581566767?q=nintendo%20usb%20controller&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=kom&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357700187,d.aWM&biw=1280&bih=617&sa=X&ei=ohz0UJTpN8GZqAGat4GwAg&ved=0CFIQ8wIwAA , later next month). During the beginning of March, I am planning to start building a racing cabinet, for all the racing arcade games such as pole position, crusin usa, etc. (I decided to push the visual pinball back a little) In theory, this should work out considering what all I read up on about adding a steering wheel and pedals to a standalone mame cab. Everything is still in the works, but so far, I'm planning on adding surround sound, radio buttons (for crusin usa etc), to name a few. All in all, this is what I want it to do: When you first sit down in the cabinet, you would scroll through a horizontal list of games using the steering wheel and press the "start game" button which GameEx would launch the game, as it would in a regular cab. Now for the question (lol sorry for the rambling) - Would GameEx be able to handle this, as for using the steering wheel to navigate smoothly; or would there be a need for a separate version of GameEx as a "Racing" front end? (As Hyperpin is related to Hyperspin). If GameEx now would be able to handle this, how would I set it up? Or if another separate version of GameEx were to be developed for this need, I would gladly purchase a separate licence for it. Thanks in advance! LC