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Found 20 results

  1. I had a couple roms for Atari Jaguar in the .jag format and Gameex pointed to the Jaguar roms folder. I deleted those and added a different set of Jaguar roms to the folder. Then I deleted emulator, reinstalled it, and pointed it to the same Jaguar roms folder. When I go to the Jaguar emulator in Gameex it still sees the old/nonexistent/deleted roms, and not the new set I have added. I have tried to look for a way to manually force an update so the new list shows and not the old. Can someone tell me how to do this? When I install emulators I install the database/dat files as well. Is that part of the issue here?
  2. I have added the roms in .rar format in the default pathway for the roms according to the Setup Wizard. When I click the folder beside the path, it opens up the folder with the roms in it. When I select that game system and click list games not a single one shows up. I tested this for a single system, and "yes" is selected from the drop down menu to open games in .rar/.zip/7z format. Is there some other step needed besides simply adding roms to the correct folder? Edit: Gameex.ini added. Final Edit: I realized that I had to use the Setup Wizard, select the emulator, and hit Audit Games icon and games showed up under the list. [GAMEEX].ini
  3. Hi all, Been searching around the forum but can't find an issue that is similar enough to ours; When loading into the Gameex system and viewing "all games" not all of the ROMs that are shown as available in MAME can be viewed or played. We've been looking into this issue for the best part of the day, we also tried changing the ROM path but the same 160 games (which stop after A in the directory) showed. I've attached the gameex.ini and log.txt from our machine, any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Michael at 3GiTech GameEx.ini log.txt
  4. Hi all!! I have two questions about excluded roms on latest GameEx version: 1- where is the list or how can I see the excluded roms list from any emulator?? 2 - Any way to delete physicaly the roms on this list from my hard drive? (plugin or batch file) Thanks in advance!!!
  5. Hi everyone, I am new to GameEx (used to use Mala 174). I am using the setup wizard, but I can't seem to get just the Mame roms that I have to display. GameEx is continuously pulling a gigantic list. How can I get just the roms that I have on my drive to show, and not what is available online? Thanks!
  6. Hello, I have a rom that isn't working. It says i'm missing this file name sfiii_usa.29f400.u2. I searched for the file but I could only find this file name instead sfiii3_usa.29f400.u2. I placed the file that I found into the roms folder but it still said sfiii_usa.29f400.u2 was missing. So I just changed the name of the file I found to match the file name I needed, then the rom seems to load until it says that there is a graphics error and then the screen goes black and makes some beeping noises. Is sfiii3_usa.29f400.u2 the correct file? or do I need to keep searching? I don't want to have to change the MAME that i'm using because it works for another rom that I use. I just need to get mame to recognize the file sfiii3_usa.29f400.u2 I attached the ini and log files. GameEx.ini log.txt
  7. Hello, I am new to GameEx and am having trouble with a couple issues. 1. I want to remove all the extra MAME games and categories that show up when I run the program so that I only find the ROMs I chose 2. I want to use other emulators that I downloaded from websites and somehow plug them into GameEx so that they run the ROMs rather than use the emulators provided by GameEx. I was told by someone that I need to point GameEx to the correct path in the Setup Wizard, but can someone explain that in more detail? I know where to open the Setup Wizard but where inside it do I go and what options to I enter. 3. Also when I try to run a ROM using [Arcade] Arcade MAME the game seems to load to %100 but then it blacks out and takes me back to the Play This Game menu. What am I doing wrong? Please help me with these 3 issues.
  8. Hello! Please excuse my ignorance, but I have tried for the past couple of weeks to figure this out by reading the forums and I cannot figure this out. I have installed gameex, and several emulators, and I have roms for most of them (not all yet), but the only emulator I can get to work is N64. The roms are in compressed rar format, which shouldn't be a problem for the emulator to play, right? I can't get MAME or Mess to even open, it says it has to be configured or something. And yes, I have already checked all of the basic things, like making sure the paths are correct. I can open the roms with most of the emulators outside of gameex, but not by using it. Also, the snes emulator I downloaded through the emulator downloader doesn't work even outside of gameex... One other question. I have downloaded emumovies download service utility, but everytime I try to log in, it says, "login failed", even though I can log into the website without any problems!! I am about to go crazy. Thanks for your help. I have attached my log verify file here.
  9. hello everybody, im new to GameEx but can i say it looks superb, so far ive had no troubles with it, however one thing that is driving me insane is how do i change the rom abbreviation filenames to the full filenames? ive tried lots of different things and im about to just say f**k it and use a different front end, something i dont want to do. any help would be very much appreciated, i have nearly 8000 roms and would really like filenames, i also have mame installed which worked fine with correct filenames, however this was gifted to me by a friend and the interface was very outdated, this was just mamepgui i ran that and every rom came up with art and named correctly, however whatever i try do with GameEx its just abbreviations. hope to find a solution as this looks a fantastic piece of software. thanks.
  10. Hi Guys, Hopefully some of you are willing to shed some light on this. I've been trying to set things up with GameEx for a HTPC setup. But I just can't figure out how to organize my rom collections so it included only one, and the best possible, game per region. Excluding any japan or other oriental regions which language I can't read. What is the best way to do this? And with this get accompanying media from EmuMovies. For example, I started off with the No-Intro Super Nintendo collection. I have the "Nintendo - Super Nintendo Entertainment System (20141014-214745_CM)" rom set. From EmuMovies I have the "Nintendo SNES [Videos][480p][HyperList 1.1_No-Intro][EM 20150209)" 480p video snap set. I also have the "Super Nintendo [snaps][HyperList 1.1][EM 20110627]" set as well as the other artwork sets for SNES. So I got all the goodies but now what? In advance I tried the Auto Downloader with the full rom set but that didn't work out too well. I also read on the forums that it doesn't always work that well also. As for creating a one game per region (1G1R) list for the roms I've searched and searched. Came across RomSorter but don't know how it works. Don't know if it is the best way to go. Can anybody help out?
  11. After a big headache, I think it would be convenient if we have the option to merge sets on, when you exclude a rom should get in the list of roms excluded all those that are set and not just the first one. This would facilitate further erasing all roms that are set and not just the first one.
  12. Hi guys, I wanted to know if there is any way to use the list of excluded games to erase these games on roms folder where they are. Is there a program or batch file that allows to do this? Thank you very much for your answers. Edit: Ok, found this thread and think it's my solution!!! http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/8455-release-delete-excluded-roms/ Edit 2: I just use the program and all it has done is clear the list of excluded roms. Now back to have my dirty list and the roms I do not want. I thought this program erased roms from the original roms folder, but it seems that all it does is clear the list of excluded roms (do not understand that it serves this) Any solution? Edit 3: Now when i exclude roms from my emulator, the list on the Gameex config (setup wizard) appears with white letters. If your select there is something here, but it's not visible. I tried to copy the content of the excluded roms on a txt file and there are names of the roms, but are not visible. I don't understand nothing..... Edit4: Ok i found the problem now. The problem is i have selected the meged sets on my emulator and when you exclude a rom it only exclude the first rom contained on the merged set. Whe you use the utility it delete only the first rom on this set and clear the excluded roms list. Now, if you see the list the game re-appears because it's compossed by 2 or 3 or more roms that make the full set. You need to apply this operation until all the roms are deleted.
  13. Hello everyone, I have some collections of games (no-intro) in which there is the same version of the game in several regions (jap) (eu) (usa) ... My question is: is there an option to not repeat these versions in the list of GameEx and thus have a clean list?. If I choose the option of "database names" on Gameex config, it will appear only the roms that are in the database? In what way can you have a clean list of roms in GameEx if you have many different versions of games? I love having the full entire collection of all my emulators, but i prefear to have a clean list of it. I need to combine this two things to reach the Nirvana :-) How you guys manage this situations? Like I'm asking something that is not possible ... do not know. Thank you very much in advance.
  14. how do i make the new roms or isos that i added to gameex pop up? Ive added like a hundred games into the frontend across various systems but i still dont see anything but the previous ones. ive even deleted some roms and they are still on the list. The only update game list i see is the section for mame. plz help
  15. GameEx not listing Mame roms past CarnEvil since last update. I've tried updating the list several times and no luck. I have all the latest dats and the current 1.50 version of Mame. Any help would be very appreciated. log.txt GameEx.ini
  16. Frankybabes

    Rom types

    I have just downloaded the Dreamcast emulator from setup wizard and added some Roms, the roms have CDI file ext and the emulator doesnt see them ! what am I doing wrong? anyone help? Regards an avid user
  17. Oen

    MAME 7-zip

    I haven't found any direct discussion about this, but I think this user might have had the same issue. http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13182-freshly-installed-gameex-cant-find-roms/?hl=%2Bmameui+%2B7z#entry107176 I have some MAME roms, and they are in .7z files. MAMEUI64 sees them fine, and has them as working. GameEx doesn't appear to be listing any of my .7z roms. It did however find the CHD files, and list all those games. Any help to solve this would be appreciated. I could switch back to a non-7z set, but I would prefer not to.
  18. Hello, everyone. I have recently started creating my machine, and I need some help. The other day I had moved a bunch of MAME ROMS to the proper directory through the set up wizard, and made sure that they all worked . Then, something happened. All but two of the 22 games that I have are now loading black screens, and then after about 5 seconds they load out to the main menu. Does anyone know what may have caused this? I would also like to know if MAME ROMS are known for not working a lot of the time. I have well over 100 and only a handful of them work. Separately, I am also having problems with the nestopia emulator recognizing my NES ROMS while in GameEx. The error message says something about file extension .dll not being found. I do know that they work as I have run them with the same emulator outside of GameEx. I really like this frontend, so far. I am just a little frustrated about the situation. On even more of a side note, I would like to know what I can do about getting the pre-loaded ROMS, Dk, Smash Tv, Tempest, etc. to boot up and become playable, as they are currently not working either. Again, I am really excited to use this FE. Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to your much needed help. Doug
  19. I've got all emulators working (NES, SNES) but can't get any Sega roms to load. It says "no sms or gg files. When I click ok on the error it loads a black screen with simply a FPS counter and nothing else. I can get the Fusion emulator to load the games manually (outside of Gamex) but it won't work within the frontend. I've tried using zip from files, unzipped rom files, renaming them with sms on the end with no success. Any ideas guys? Appreciate any help or direction here =)
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