Firstly, Visual Pinball works in and outside of GameEx. It's not the emulator that is giving me hell, its VPinMAME. Yeah I really don't know what I did or didn't do to not get my VPinMame DMD to display on my screen when a table is launched in GameEx but it doesn't seem to want to show. I've got it to show a few times but less than I can count on one hand. Also, I've tried numerous different cmd lines and the one that is in the config is the only one that launches anything. Here is my emulator config. [Emulator_55] VideoSnapPath=E:\Artwork\Visual Pinball\Video Snaps CDCheckFile= CDCheck= RandomMostPlayed=True ShowMostPlayed=False PlayInScreenSaver=False GamesIn7Zips= PCGame= SelectionMusicFolder= PlaySelectionMusic= DontShowInfo= PlayMusic= CustomBackground= ExcludedFiles= LaunchAfter= LaunchBefore= OLDatZip= AlsoLaunch=vpauto.exe Debug=False ShowDesktop=True RemoveBrackets=False Capitals=True ReplaceUnder=True ReplaceDash=True SendKeys= WaitBeforeKeys= MapKeys=True WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Pinball ControlPanelPath= ManualPath= CartPath= BoxPath= TitlePath=E:\Artwork\Visual Pinball\Titles SnapPath= RomPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Visual Pinball\Tables MapFile= ConfigFile=Visual Pinball V6 Database=[Pinball] Visual Pinball RomFilter=*.vpt Command=VPinball.exe -play -"[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" StartPageLogo=[Pinball] Visual Pinball StartPageName=[Pinball] Visual Pinball TitleText=Visual Pinball Info=Visual Pinball offers real time Pinball Development System. It allows you to design and play your very own pinball simulation Website= RequiredFiles= DownloadUrl= Rating= Version=9.0.3 Emulator=Visual Pinball Category=Pinball System=Pinball Enabled=True lastgame=