I just resintly downlaod Game ex front end about 2 weeks ago now...I also bought the full verison cause I really like what I saw. Most defently the filtering proccess the my favorite part of this front end prgram but for the past 4 days i have been tring to get my MAME emulator to filter all the games into catorgies but nothing has work.I have spent many hrs already tring to figure out this problem on my own but nothing has worked I even tried uninstalling game ex and start all over and still nothing. Ive played around on the MAME configuration page but still nothing. I did try to do my research on this problem but im still having this problem. So if someone could help me on this it will drive me from pulling all my hair out in stress. Thank you PS..I think this is the right file that was asked for when having a problem on the "how to ask for help thread" GameEx.ini