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Hello Artists and Arcademics, So here is my theme so far. This is just a Preview of the Atari 2600 Section. I hope I can include over 20 beautiful animated Backgrounds. Some of them are my own artwork and some are free-to-use clips. All of them are very nice and fit very well into any retro-based themes. They are in 16:9 aspect, 720p and are from 5-40 MB each in size. However my theme will be a 4:3 based Theme, mainly because i want to support more Cab or Bartop-friendly themes, as i think there are not many outthere, which have a modern style. It is 1440-1080 in pixelsize to assure the maximum possible Quality, as downgrading afterwards is never a problem. So dont be fooled by the current size Screenshots. Thats basically only for me to preview, how it will look on a real CRT. This theme have a lot more detail than the screenshots can present. The lights around the List-Field are fully animated to attract the List-field more. The lights are affecting the logo-banners with shading and lighting, so basically the logos are animated too, i.e. the color bar under the logo, changes the color over time to create another interesting affect. The b/w background of the tv is animated and looks like no channel is found. The Foreground have scanlines to create the illusion of an old CRT-tube. So even you cant see it in the pictures, there is a lot animated stuff for attraction and a overall nice look and feel and this is only the Atari section So far so good, but I am struggling with some problems I have, especially the buttons. The Exit and Home buttons doesnt exist for me. They are simply gone. It doesnt matter if I use a allready done Theme i.e. the default ones ( and I mean those, which use these buttons) or my own theme. I cant select them in the Theme-editor either. If I select them, it just jumps to the last selected item, as if these buttons are locked or something like this. I manually changed the coordinates for those buttons in the .ini file, cause I cant select them, they still are not showing up. I use the default pictures of them and like I said, even with a theme that should use them, they are not there. I know that you need to setup this properly in the setup-wizard and enable the taskbar and so on, but if you look at the screens, you see that I have done this, otherwise I wouldnt have the other buttons which are showing up. I want those buttons baaaadly, as they are crucial for my theme intentions, as I dont like the way to long menue bar with the Back and Exit options ALWAYS being the last options to choose from, in the menue bar. It confuses the users on a Cab / Bartop a lot, as they dont know how to change into another section. In my eyes not very intuitive, thats why I want those damn Exit and Home buttons. If you look closely into the screenshots, you will see, that the Fullsize / Maximize Button, dont align properly, but this is something I solve myself I think. The thing is, that this button sometimes align properly and sometimes not. WTF? you think.... Ok, I try to explain, whenever I make changes and SAVE the stuff in the theme-editor, it will allign properly for ONE time. If I start GameEx again, it will look like in the screenshots now. It seems that this button is always aligned to the straight right edge. So I will create a new button, which has the edge of the bottom menue included, to solve this... this should work I hope. Next problem is the MediaControls button with a similar behaviour, sometimes it is aligned properly, sometimes a little left offset, like in the pictures right now. Maybe the same solution as for the Maximize button will work, I will see. All other buttons, are working fine and are always aligned properly. They all have a nice rollover-effect and change the color into green if you hover with your mouse over them, except the Help button (in my case the GameEx Logo) which is just glowing. If you press them, they change into Red color, but the effect is barely seen, as it is happening to fast. On the first screen, you see what happen, if you press the Help / GameEx Logo button. The text has some bad formatting in the last view lines, so it doesnt fit into my list field properly. I think it is hardcoded, but it would be nice if Tom could change the formatting for the last lines for a perfect match. I dont think that this is to hard, to accomplish this and Tom would be doing a nice favor for me. So lets start with the last problem I have... the Listnum-field. I cant put it whereever I like. It needs to be in the horizontal range of the List field, this is really odd. I.E. I cant put it below the Atari 2600. It is clipped and becomes invisible. This happens with every other theme too, no matter which one I try. So this is no error or a foreground-layer mistake from my side. I would call it a bug. The other problem with the Listnum field is, if you look closely the "of" is gone, instead I have a seperator which looks badly like the number one. So i.e. it looks like "31503" instead of "3 of 503". I know that this problem is caused by the font I use. As with the default Font it shows properly the "of" sign. My question here is, could someone alter my Font here, to include either a vertically larger seperator (to differ from the number 1) or even better include the "of" sign, as I have no clue how to alter my choosen Font. I would be so happy and thankful, if someone could do this for me, or at least tell me, how I can achieve this myself. So we are coming to the end.... as I have seen many times, that I am the only one, having the described problems here, as everyone else can use the stuff like intended. I am asking myself why? The only difference to other users, is my different OS language. I have three different setups and in all of them, I have the same errors. It reminds me on the "interrupt" error, where I couldnt choose a animated Background / Video anymore. At this time I spend a waaaay to much time to solve this, including a complete reinstall of the OS even in english language. Happily after some time, Tom could solve this problem for me ( a big thanx again on this side), as he changed some code and the option did work again.... what a relief . So my thoughts here are that all my problems seem to have a code related problem again. Maybe I am wrong with this, but the last time I wasnt wrong too. And before I start some ridiculous stuff like installing new OS and stuff like this again (gives me headaches only thinking about it), I would rather please Tom, to maybe overlook this stuff. Maybe there are some dependencies he is only aware of. Like I said, three different systems, all with the same described problems. If you all think my theme is something worth off, I would be pleased greatly for any help on this. As my lust to advance and go further with my theme is nearly zero at the moment, because of the described problems. I will rather wait then for Evolution and pray / hope that these problems will vanish then. Thanks to all people, who read this rather long text and to anyone who is contributing and helping me. your ( uuh-man