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Found 4 results

  1. Hi, I try to log in the FTP-Server, but always get the answer, that I cannot log in. I use my account-name and my password and get the infos for server-connection from here. What I'm doing wrong? I try this with FireFTP and Filezilla. I hope, someone can help me. Regards RaJo
  2. I am a new user of Slingfront, and am having serious problems getting it to work for me. I am running Windows 8.1 and have the 1.6 version of Slingfront downloaded and installed. I have reviewed everything I can find on the website about login difficulties and have tried all of the suggested fixes, but nothing seems to work. Here is a description of my issue: When I run Slingfront, it loads up fine and I hear the music and it shows that it is "Loading Slingboxes". It sits on this screen for about 2-3 minutes and then I get a new menu screen that gives me the choice to go to settings or "View Slingboxes". If I select View Slingboxes, all I get is an option to go back. So far I have tried changing my Sling password, uninstalling and reinstalling slingfront, rebooting multiple times, etc. I even tried to reformat my hard disk and start over. Nothing seems to work (consistently). Here is the challenge. Occasionally it will login just fine. I just can't seem to find any factor that differentiates whether or not it can login. I would REALLY appreciate any help/suggestions. I would be tearing my hair out if I had any!
  3. Because I use an odd setup for my arcade cabinet, a vertical screen (Res: 768 x 1366), Login stretches to fit my resolution. This is nice, except that all the profiles look squashed. Is there a way to display this correctly? I was thinking of only stretching the canvas/backdrop and forcing the same Aspect ratio for the overlays, similar to the way MAME does.
  4. I am not sure how recent this issue is, as I have not updated my version of GameEx for about a year. But I noticed that with the latest version, I cannot have per-user favorites. I have: 1) Installed GameEx 13.10 2) Run GameEx Setup Wizard and setup emulators and MAME 3) Opened up GameEx to ensure it was working properly, not creating any favorites or playing any games 4) Closed GameEx 5) Run Login and created 2 users, let's call them User1 and User2 6) While still in Login, I logged in as User1, which boots into GameEx, I then set a few games as Favorites and run a game (so it will show in Recently Played) 7) Closed out of GameEx 8) Run Login and logged in as User2, which boots into GameEx, there should be no Favorites saved for this user or Recently Played games, but User2 has the same Favorites and Recently Played lists as User1. 9) I removed 2 of the Favorites as User2 10) Closed GameEx 11) Run Login and logged in as User1, which boots into GameEx, and now User1 also has those two Favorites removed In the previous version of GameEx I used, from maybe about a year ago, I was able to setup Favorite lists per user, and also the Recently Played and Most Played lists would be unique to the user logged in. Please advise, thank you!
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