I recently read a www.eHow.com article about how to make your ps3 controller work on your computer and then in MAME. http://www.ehow.com/how_5549681_use-ps-controller-mame.html if you're interested. Anyways, I really want to have some light guns for my MAME cabinet. I really like the aimtrack ones over at www.ulitmarc.com, but they are $95. I'm wondering if anyone knows of an old USB gun system that might work in MAME. I have an LCD TV monitor in my cabinet, so it would have to be LCD friendly. I think I might eventually go the aimtrack route, but I'd like a cheaper option in the meantime. Basically, see how much I actually use the things before I pay $200+ shipping for a pair of them. I also still need a spinner on my panel, so I figure I'll combine the order and save on shipping. It'll run me like $400 if I add the wheel attachment too. Argh!