Hello! I know this has been asked several times, lol...I have looked through numerous posts, but still have yet to get this working. How do you get High Scores showing within GameEx? Are there any clear instructions on using HiToText within a front end? - I have compiled my own version of MAME (Mame 136 w/high score support) - I enabled High Score Support in the Setup Wizard. - Just to be sure, I have a highscore.dat file in the root folder of MAME. (I've even tried it with no highscore.dat file. I've test read a ".hi" file via HiToText. (galaga.hi) HiToText read the file tested and displayed the scores in the command prompt window. I've also emptied the "hi" folder and got MAME to create a new ".hi" file...when checked though GameEx, still did not show. Attached below is my GameEx.ini file. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, as I am about to pull out the rest of my hair on this lol. Thanks in advance!! LC GameEx.ini