Hi Community, i have completed a list of MAME games that are accidently filtered by GameEx, if you choose to show only working games. GameEx starts then to filter all "status preliminary" Roms, which normally is ok, but you will loose about 160 games, which only have a sound problem or no sound at all, but beside of this, are working normally. there are pretty nice games, Shmups, Bmups, Lightguns etc. so i created a list for the "dont filter these roms" to get those jewels back. these games are not like the imperfect ones, they are marked as "preliminary" from the MAME devs. ... because of the lack of sound or other stuff. a game that really doesnt work, have a "preliminary" status for the emulation. those games dont or will not start with MAME... but "preliminary" status for color, sound and graphics, are games that can be started AND played with MAME. i think that would be a nice start, to contribute for the databases . maybe we could extend the filter options in GameEx by doing so. or put them in a extra category like "Preliminary Games". beside of this, i would like to know, how the "no clones, unless better" thingy works. it would be very nice to have a list of the clone-games that are actually better than the original ones. with all these stuff, you will have around about 3700 MAME games in GameEx, if you have a complete Rom-Set... CHDs excluded. what do you think about this? is this something of help? All the best, u-man just copy this into your "dont filter these roms" of the setup-wizard in the MAME section and do a update list afterwards: ;280zzzap;;alibaba;;ace;;attackfc;;banbam;;batmanfr;;bballoon;;bbprot;;beaminv;;birdtry;;bishjan;;bnstars1;;bowl3d;;boxer;;brdrline;;bullsdrt;;cannonbp;;cannonb2;;carpolo;;catacomb;;catchp;;catnmous;;claybust;;clayshoo;;couple;;crazyfgt;;cyclemb;;dacholer;;dai3wksi;;dealer;;demndrgn;;destroyr;;digger;;dorachan;;dribling;;dwarfd;;eggor;;embargo;;fcombat;;fghthist;;fgoal;;fireone;;fireshrk;;fitfight;;flyball;;fmaniac3;;galxwars;;ghox;;glfgreat;;goindol;;gunchamp;;hachamf;;hapytour;;headoni;;heiankyo;;histryma;;hrdtimes;;igmo;;invrvnge;;jongkyo;;josvolly;;kdynastg;;kickgoal;;kngtmare;;koikoi;;kong;;kov;;kovplus;;lagunar;;laserbat;;lastbank;;lastfght;;ltcasino;;luckgrln;;luctoday;;magodds;;marinedt;;mastkin;;mgolf;;mightguy;;minferno;;moguchan;;mpoker;;msisaac;;murogem;;ncv2;;ninjemak;;nsub;;olibochu;;onna34ro;;othello;;panther;;pipeline;;portrait;;ppcar;;primrage;;ptrmj;;quartet;;quiz365;;quizmstr;;quizrd12;;quizrd17;;quizrd18;;quizrd22;;quizrd23;;quizrd34;;redclash;;roadriot;;rockduck;;rtriv;;rumba;;safari;;salmndr2;;samurai;;sbasebal;;sexyboom;;sflush;;shpeng;;skychut;;skydest;;spacbeam;;spaceg;;spaceint;;spacetrk;;spcfrcii;;spclaser;;spclforc;;speedfrk;;spfghmk2;;spotty;;ssfindo;;sshot;;ssingles;;sspacaho;;sspaceat;;sspeedr;;ssrj;;sstingry;;sstrangr;;stactics;;streetg2;;strvmstr;;suchipi;;superbon;;superwng;;targeth;;tceptor;;tekipaki;;timefgtr;;tjsb;;tmek;;tomcatsw;;touryuu;;tranqgun;;tturf;;twcup98;;vimana;;warpsped;;wbeachvl;;wink;;winspike;;xfiles;;zerohour;