Hi Guys, I am using GroovyUME 1.48 as the main MAME and MESS emulator into my cabmachine. I have installed the Sharp X1 gamebase pack but pointed to GroovyUME as the main sharpX1 emulator to be used by Gamebase (Groovy builts handle far better low res on cab machines). I am actually facing an annoying issue now as the combo to quit emulation (mapped to the ESC key) is pausing Groovy i/o quitting and back to Gameex. When playing with Mame games or Mess systems set up through the emulator Wizard list there is no such problem and Groovy will quit when hitting ESC key. Is there an option to force GroovyUME to quit when used with Gamebase? Enclosed INI and Log file. Thanks GameEx.ini log.txt