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Found 14 results

  1. Hey All, I'm getting nothing but slow loading, crashes, blank load screens that never load and then I cant get out of Pinballx and have to reboot, backglass freezing while scrolling through the few tables I loaded, table browsing is horribly sluggish switching between tables or it just crashes. Had very little success with this software everyone thinks is just so easy. All my tables are VPX tables, load is 10.6 Virtual Pinball followed the setup video to get all my Pinup system and PUP video working great freezy DMD and ultra DMD... I'm running a brand new Dell, G5, 1660 TI, i5 intel 4Ghz, 8 Gig of ram All virus software disabled .. 2 Screen cabinet 4k playfield 1080P backglass... All my tables work perfect if I just launch out of the Vpin tables folder and not use PinballX... I'm currently back to PinX being un-installed trying to wipe it and start clean will the simple uninstall alone do that or are there any other areas to wipe out manually? I've also completely removed McAfee, it was disable and didn't seem to interfere with PinUP but for this 2nd try i'll pull it completely... Also should I be using "file matching" seems to be pushing matches that are not working for me? What is the "working folder" too? Lastly which Exe should I set PinX to use to start the tables VPinballX or Vpinball995
  2. Hey All, I'm getting a 100% crash when viewing instruction cards in PinballX only when I'm using a 4k res (3840x2160) on my main TV display. The secondary monitor is running 1080p (1920x1080). When I run my main display in 1080 res the instructions work fine, no issues. Also, once in 4k mode the first instruction card will show, then if I scroll through games, then come back to the same game's instruction card it will crash out. I've attached my log, but It's not an OOM issue, seems to be parameter when passing into System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format). Anyone else run into this issue? Thanks! log.txt
  3. I installed GameEx Arcade edition today. I have only added about 100 roms to try to work out what works. It will load only one game. I can play that game OK but when I try to change games, none will load. Sometimes they will load to allow me to enter coins and start the game, then exit the game in a few seconds, as was the case with the several games attempted in the log. Only restarting the computer (Windows 7 Ultimate) will allow another Mame game to be loaded. Advice to fix requested. log.txt GameEx.ini
  4. After recent GameEx update MameUI64 (and I've tried Mame64) crashes immediately after launch. I get an error message that says something went wrong this program needs to close. Doesn't matter what game. Any help would greatly be appreciated. log.txt GameEx.ini
  5. Hey guys, I'm having an issue where Pinball X fquits whenever I launch a Future Pinball table from it. Has anyone else see this issue, and if so, how did you fix it? Here's my steps to reproduce.... 1. Launch PinballX. 2. Select any Future Pinball table. 3. Hit the "Play Game" menu item/button. 4. "Loading" appears on the screen. 5. For a quick moment I see the Future Pinball editor UI appear on my screen. 6. Then I see the FP table's loading screen. 7. Table launches successfully. 8. Hit the ESC key to exit Future Pinball table. RESULT: I'm brought to my Windows desktop, and Pinball X is no longer launched/opened. Interestingly enough, when I looked at my Pinballx.ini file, it doesn't even recognize that my last pinball that I attempted to launch was a Future Pinball table. Instead it shows the last Visual Pinball table I opened. EXPECTED RESULT: I should be brought back to Pinball X. It looks like whenever I launch a Future Pinball table, Pinball X either quits or is crashing. This DOES NOT occur when launching a Visual Pinball table. Hitting escape from a Visual Pinball table brings me back to Pinball X. OS: Win8.1 64-bit Pinball X 1.91 Future Pinball 1.9 Phys Mod 2.5 Thanks y'all! PinballX.ini log.txt
  6. Recently I wanted to clean up and standardize my gameex install. I downloaded the latest version and installed over the last. Now when I go to launch GameEx I get a simple window with the header "GameEx" and a "0" (zero) in the window, and the option to click "OK" to make it go away. That's it. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling, rebooting, trying other drives to install on. Nothing works. Has anyone ever come across this error? Any help would be appreciated. This is all that is in my log after the crash: 11:20:23.1 8/28/2014: Opening Configuration File
  7. So I finally got GameEx configured properly enough to see all the artwork and ROMs I have present in my collection. Just as soon as I fixed everything up, a new problem presented itself. I have CPWizard enabled and when a game starts up, it hangs on the button display until I hit ESC. Is there supposed to be another way to pass this screen? After I hit ESC it just drops right back to the list of games. I thought the problem was CPWizard so I disabled it. But it turns out that CPWizard wasn't the problem after all. No matter what game or what emulator I choose, whenever I launch the game, it starts the emulator up but IMMEDIATELY closes the emulator and drops back to GameEx. Now when I use MAME or MESS it at least shows a split second of display, enough to see that MAME/MESS has actually started. But like I said, its just for a split second - before the ROM can even finish loading, its already dropped back to GameEx. Anyone have any ideas? GameEx.ini log.txt
  8. Hi Everyone I am really excited to check out PinballX after using Hyperpin for some time. Today I have downloaded the latest version and installed and configured it with visual pinball (to the correct folders, exe etc) but whenever i try to load a table it jumps back to the table selection screen. It seems to try and load visual pinball but can't? I have had a similar error with hyperpin before with an error in the database that I found and fixed, The database file I am using now works without any problems in hyperpin and have copy and pasted it into the PinballX Visual Pinball DB folder. Please could anyone suggest anything that could cause PinballX to behave this way or any ideas on how to rectify the problem? Kind Regards Witse
  9. Hi there. New user here hoping for some help. I've installed on two separate machines. One is my arcade cabinet, C2D, ati X1300 graphics, with an svideo display. The other an i7 laptop with nvidia quadro graphics. Both run Windows 7 64bit. On both systems I am unable to pick anything but the MCE theme. If I try to change themes within gamex, I get a crash with an output ending with: If I change the theme from the setup wizard, I get an unhandled exception error with this in the body: Aside from a fresh install of gameex, these machines have nothing in common besides running 64bit Windows 7 Once its crashed, gameex will not launch again. I have to hack the theme out of the .ini before it will run again. Samples of the log and .ini are attached. GameEx.ini log.txt
  10. I'm having some problems with Kega Fusion ver 3.64 and GameEx ver 13.16 The emulator loads fine, plays roms well, it's just having problems when I exit back to GameEx that it shuts both Fusion and GameEx down and exits back to windows. I have my 'escape' key set to exit all emulators back to GameEx. GameEx uses the keystroke combo 'esc+home' to exit GameEx so I'm not sure what is going on. It's the only emulator that is causing this issue. Doesn't seem to matter which game is loaded either. I've attached my log file. log.txt
  11. Hey! Just bought Gameex (spent too much time looking at that nag screen and hey its a great project!). Only problem is, no matter where I get MAME fron, some games will launch, others won't. Any ideas how to fix? They crash as soon as they get done loading in MAME. Thanks guys!
  12. Hello I am using the default, just installed free version of Game Ex on a Win7 64 bit Toshiba Sat. Whenever I open the Config Wizard and get to the theme selection, I get the following error (here is a link if my image doesnt load) http://imgur.com/QWERybF It's an "unhandled exception" I looked around and couldn't find where anyone else has this error, do any of you veterans have an idea? thanks -boon
  13. Crash during custom menu transitions after recent update. GameEx keeps crashing when either going into or coming out of menus. It's usually when backing out of, but not specifically, and it happens at random. It's happened at least 8 times since recent update. Theme.ini log.txt
  14. Hello, I recently got the registered version of GameEx, and have MAME, NES, SNES, GENESIS and N64 running well on it. However, Whenever I leave it on, whether it's playing music or leaving it on the UI screen, I get a window saying an exception has occured, but I can continue to use the program. I click continue. The screen goes dark. Then about10 seconds later I get the GameEx error screen. This is what it displays: Any help much appreciated! Oh, and I should mention that all my media is run off of an external hard drive dock through USB 2.0. Thanks!
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