Hello! I'm in the process of reorganizing my ebook collection, and so noticed something bad when browsing comics or magazines with the two-page view, although this is valid for books, too. Basically, the left and right pages are reversed, due to the fact that the first page (the cover) isn't aligned to the right at the beginning. I've illustrated the whole thing. Let me explain: In the two-page-view mode, the first page and the second are visualized aligned: This is not like in the real magazines (or books etc..), where the first page (the cover) is always to the right. The browsing-chain will cause, at this point, an inversion of the right pages with the left ones, with cosequences like these: and where the correct visualization should be: As you can see, this is annoying when reading magazines or comic books, or mangas, where often a single image is splitted in two side-by-side pages. The solution is to display the 1st page, and only the 1st page, alone and aligned to the right: This way the odd and even pages will be displayed in the right order. In fact, most commod ebook readers have this feature. Obiviously this regards only the two-page-view mode, the other views, as a single page view, aren't affected. That's all. I hope you will consider this issue... sorry if I am a pain in the neck. Regards, Alpha.