hello everyone, I'm sorry but it certainly is a discussion already opened in another topics. I have a problem with the settings of mame and in particular in the recognition of roms. in practice they are not present in the list of all roms GameEx. I own the romset 0.153 that was controlled with clrmamepro. I have used most versions of mame all in 64-bit version MameUI, mameplus, mame, mameuifx. all data files have been updated to the latest versions on the net. in the advanced settings of mame, I was turned on viewing all the roms (roms clones, imperfect games, casino games, mayhong games, adult games). at each change of configuration was executed scaning of the list of rom. but nothing to make the game list is not complete: the list stops at letter C and precisely to CarnEvil rom (1.0.1) also chd stop at the letter C. Who can help me? thanks