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  1. I just started getting into pinball emulation and ran across the very problems described in this thread. I'm on the latest GameEx version and latest Future Pinball version but I still get focus issues. I did work around it though. I decided to write a VBScript that would change the focus to the app. What the script does is check every five seconds to see if Future Pinball is running, and if it is, it sets focus to it. It'll check every five seconds for up to five minutues. These times/intervals are all of course, configurable as needed for your situtation. If anyone still has this problem and wants to try it out, just copy the code below into notepad, and save as something like C:\activate.vbs. Then create a batch file with one line in it that runs: cscript C:\activate.vbs. Set the batch file up in the "Also Launch" field in your advanced emulator config in GameEx. Also, you might have to make sure that User Account Control is turned off and that you have your computer setup to automatically run VBScript files; that's how I have mine set and I didn't test other systems. 'Begin VBScript: Dim isAppRunning Dim endTime Set objShell = WScript.Createobject("Wscript.Shell") endTime = DateAdd("n",5,Now) Do Wscript.echo "Trying application activation in 5 seconds..." WScript.Sleep(5000) isAppRunning = objShell.AppActivate("Future Pinball - © 2008 BSP Software Design Solutions") Loop While (isAppRunning = False) AND (Now < endTime) wscript.Quit 'End of Script
  2. Thanks. I've tried different themes and it didn't seem to change anything. You are indeed correct, it is the delay between the current background snap for a game and the next background snap at which point you can see the theme background. As you suggest, I'll play around a bit with it. I'm not sure how it is coded, but it may be nice for a future improvement to see if GameEX can load the game previews in to frames; it could be tweaked to load the next game info into a overlay frame and then drop the old frame, which might make it more seamless if someone is using background snaps (and if the new game doesn't have a background snap, revert to a transparent background where you will see the theme background).
  3. Thanks for responding. I attached the files you requested. This was off my Core 2 Duo computer, but I get the same effect on my Core i7 computer. If it helps, the backgrounds, artwork, snaps, etc. that I have were downloaded directly from Emumovies.com. GameEx.ini log.txt
  4. I'm fairly new to GameEx and have been trying to figure out an issue I've been having. I'm sure others have seen this, but I have not been able to find reference on it. The problem I have is when I switch between games, if the two games I am switching between both have their own background file, during the switch between games I see the theme background flash momentarily before the background for the next game comes up. Any ideas? I've tried this on 3 different computers, one of which is a Core i7 with 6GB of RAM. Am I missing a setting in GameEX somewhere or is this a known issue? Thanks!
  5. I've been looking for simple way to integrate Steam and GameEX this works well. Thanks for the info! I got the basics, now I just need to start doing snaps for my steam games.
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