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  1. OK, I see. Pity though, I really like that feature although I can imagine it's probably not widely used in the community. That's perfectly viable for me, thanks. I think I'll go down that road. Thanks for helping me out, as always.
  2. Hi Draco, thanks to you as well. Do you mean the GameEx profiles in C:\GameEx\CONFIG\USERS? How would I check those for local admin rights? (For clarification, I am strictly talking about different GameEx users, not Windows User Profiles). Additionally, I tried to create a new GameEx user profile with the current 18.50 install which worked flawlessly. So there's always the fallback of recreating the broken GameEx user profiles.
  3. Hi tthurman thanks for looking into this. I did use elevated permissions with the install (did an over the top reinstall just now). Same error log.
  4. After updating as stated above GameEx crashes on startup, ini and log files enclosed. However… (idk if this may be helpful): I am using Login.exe with three different User Profiles. The crashes only happen with the two profiles that were not in use during the update. The “main” profile being in \GameEX\CONFIG during the update starts just fine. Thanks for helping me out! GameEx.ini gameex logfile.txt
  5. Thanks @Draco1962, no problem. I can always reencode the video snaps as a workaround. Or I‘ll give it a try and look into the theme editor, have no experience whatsoever with themes, sounds like fun!
  6. This one's not a biggie, but I recently noticed that 16:9 Emumovies video snaps lose their aspect ratio when used within the Space Invaders HD theme. Furthermore, they're not filling up the horizontal space (black bars left and right) Btw. it all looks good with 4:3 videos. Is there a way to fit a 16:9 video snap into the available space while keeping its aspect ratio? btw, thanks a lot @Draco1962 for creating this! theme.ini GameEx.ini
  7. Thanks for hinting me to the registry which solved my problem if only with a workaround. Somehow GameEx keeps looking for C:\Program Files (x86)\gs\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe, no matter which GS version is installed on my system (I tried GS v9.50 with both the 64 and 32bit builds). I did a registry search for that path with no results. What I did is reinstalling the 32bit GS version to the above path (which includes manually editing the suggested path in the GS installation wizard). This topic is closed - thanks again!
  8. Just a minor thing: I can't seem to find the correct setting in the Setup Wizard to point GameEx to my GhostScript directory. As a result I'm not able to display manuals. I could of course change the GS dir as suggested here, but surely there must be a better way. What am I missing? Thanks! GameEx.ini log.txt
  9. Wow, Raiden II... I haven't been playing much lately, but Raiden II is a very good reason to fire up the cabinet again! In fact, when I built my cabinet, I did so having just a few games in mind with Raiden II being one of them (was pretty disappointed when I found out Mame couldn't run it but settled for Raiden Project on PS1 which I think is a nearly flawless port). Raiden II for me is one of the best games ever made so I'm looking forward to this quarter's comp. @Cynicaster @Floyd Turbo I think Mame 0.155 was the first version to be able to run Raiden II (and Raiden DX). I remember it being a major breakthough for the devs. I can confirm Mame 0.187. score 487,260
  10. I changed the background mode setting in the Setup Wizard - no success. I then removed the line DisplayBackgroundImage=Snap from the theme.ini and everything is back to normal. Thanks guys for your quick replies. As always.
  11. While updating from 15.10 to 15.27 something happened to the way my Space Invaders HD theme is presented. The issue persists with 15.31 and I can reliably restore the old look by reinstalling an older GameEx version. It's best described by looking at the screen shots below: Before (15.10 and older): After (15.27 and newer): Probably a Change View issue. I’d happily try to Change Views but after the update the Change View option in the theme is gone as well. (I have disabled „Hide Change View“ in the Enable/Disable Features section.) Do you make any of it? Has there been a change in the way GameEx handles themes in 15.27? I also tried other themes, the issue does not occur with the Default themes. I also did a complete reinstall, to no success. Thanks for any hints! smario log.txt GameEx.ini
  12. Well I hadn't thought about it that way... interesting! For me, that, ahem ... second volcano level is quite tough. The instant an enemy is on-screen it starts to spill bullets which very quickly amounts to a bullet hell kind of scenario. The only chance you stand is to get rid of every single enemy as fast as you can which requires exact memorization of flight paths. Since this is the only level I use "doubles" instead of lasers, the constant button tapping adds to the general sense of hectic and loss of control. After that, the game cools down considerably in terms of difficulty, even in the last level, the enemy base. So here's my latest entry - 343,400 (loop 2 stage 1)
  13. I'm also not done yet But damn is that inverted volcano level hard!
  14. New score - 183,300 I somehow managed to get hit by the very last glowing ring in the Maoi stage but could recover and reach the second volcano stage. For me, that's the hardest stage, even more so than the enemy base at the end of the game.
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