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  1. Yes I do. Everything is working fine stand alone, it seems to me that somehow HideOS is interfering.
  2. Draco, thanks for looking into this. Interestingly, out of 31 Sega Model 2 games I tested 4 do work, them being Behind Enemy Lines, Dynamite Cop, Fighting Vipers and Virtua Striker 2. All of the others show that black screen consistently, examples being Daytona USA, Dead or alive, Dynamite Baseball, Indy 500, Sega Rally Championship and more. In Sega Model 3, all of my 22 games do not work and show a black screen instead. Examples for testing: Daytona USA 2, Fighting Vipers 2, Star Wars Trilogy...
  3. Hi guys, I am experiencing black screen issues when using integrated Model2 & Model3. I can hear the games running just fine, just behind the black screen. Everything's running fine when starting the emulator using runitgame.bat. I am using Win 11 24H2. Is this something you can look into? Thanks! log.txt GameEx.ini
  4. Hi Tom, yes the attached dll is working, thank you very much. All problems solved! btw tried again 19.00 (without the new dll) which is not working. Tried both my Win 10 and Win 11 setups with no difference. Thank you again for your help!
  5. Windows 11 Pro 24H2
  6. Yeah, with the new setup I completely forgot to check the 'run as administrator' box... I did now, GameEx.ini (from 19.00) attached. GameEx.ini
  7. I did some installing, please see attachment. It seems to me that it is not related to the Windows version and happened from GameEx 18.84 to 18.85. 18.84 works with Win 11 as well, that‘s not in the attachment (As for the ini all I can say that it‘s a new configuration from scratch and that there was no text editing or the like). Thanks for your effort!
  8. Yes they do. I have two wireless controllers, an old Xbox 360 and a fairly new Xbox Series X controller with up to date firmware. Both are recognized in the setup wizard for settings and can be used in emulators, both standalone and via GameEx. They both seem to work correctly according to joy.cpl. Some more info: I have an old Win10 setup with GameEx 18.64 (working) and the new one (Win11 Pro with 18.99). I‘ll try to pinpoint things later after work and will report back. Thanks for looking into this.
  9. Hi guys, have there been changes in the way GameEx controls with a standard Xbox controller? In my new 18.99 setup GameEx won't accept any joystick input, the exact same configuration in my old 18.64 setup is working flawlessly. Thanks for helping me out! custominput.ini GameEx.ini log.txt
  10. Well that certainly was fast. I can confirm the issue to be fixed. Thanks as always guys!
  11. Hi guys, since updating from 18.87 to 18.94 I am experiencing black screen issues. Problem persists with 18.95, my whole setup was working flawlessly with 18.87. Games start allright from Gamex, but when returning all I see is a black screen while GameEx is continuing to run in the background. With each return to GameEx there is an additional instance of HideOS.exe running, I had up to 4 instances simultaneously. Maybe that could hint to what is the problem. Note that I set HideDesktop = No in the Display Settings. Thanks very much for looking into this! GameEx.ini log.txt
  12. OK, I see. Pity though, I really like that feature although I can imagine it's probably not widely used in the community. That's perfectly viable for me, thanks. I think I'll go down that road. Thanks for helping me out, as always.
  13. Hi Draco, thanks to you as well. Do you mean the GameEx profiles in C:\GameEx\CONFIG\USERS? How would I check those for local admin rights? (For clarification, I am strictly talking about different GameEx users, not Windows User Profiles). Additionally, I tried to create a new GameEx user profile with the current 18.50 install which worked flawlessly. So there's always the fallback of recreating the broken GameEx user profiles.
  14. Hi tthurman thanks for looking into this. I did use elevated permissions with the install (did an over the top reinstall just now). Same error log.
  15. After updating as stated above GameEx crashes on startup, ini and log files enclosed. However… (idk if this may be helpful): I am using Login.exe with three different User Profiles. The crashes only happen with the two profiles that were not in use during the update. The “main” profile being in \GameEX\CONFIG during the update starts just fine. Thanks for helping me out! GameEx.ini gameex logfile.txt
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