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Everything posted by discomike

  1. Worked a treat. Thank you very much. I'll look at it again at the weekend and try SSF and 4DO. Not tried on ZIPs yet, but hopefully it'll work great. Successful log below just in case you're curious. 03/04/2013 19:23:06 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): EXE IN: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe03/04/2013 19:23:06 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): ARG IN: -mount scsi, 0, "[rompath]\[romfile]"03/04/2013 19:23:06 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): CL: epsxe.exe -nogui03/04/2013 19:23:06 : 7-ZIP: Checking for 7-zip...03/04/2013 19:23:06 : 7-ZIP: 7-zip setting found! Changing ROM path...03/04/2013 19:23:06 : 7-ZIP: path=C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\Unzipped7-Zip03/04/2013 19:23:06 : 7-ZIP: 7-zip is not enabled!03/04/2013 19:23:06 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - ARG USING: -mount scsi, 0, "C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\Temp\Unzipped7-Zip\3D Lemmings (USA).cue"03/04/2013 19:23:06 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - EXE USING: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe03/04/2013 19:23:06 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - Image mounted! Sleeping...03/04/2013 19:23:10 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): Loader was launched successfully!03/04/2013 19:23:10 : CMD OUT: Returning rebuilt Command Line...03/04/2013 19:27:38 : DT UNMOUNT (CL-SCSI): Terminating...03/04/2013 19:27:38 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - ARG USING: -unmount scsi, 003/04/2013 19:27:38 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - EXE USING: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe03/04/2013 19:27:38 : DT UNMOUNT (CL-SCSI): Drive unmounted successfully!
  2. I'm replying quicker this time As from the log below, it's still trying to mount the .cue file from the original folder, not the extractred folder. Also included runitgame.bat to show that the [DTLOADER-SCSI] arg is not being stripped. Thanks for continuing your work. 02/04/2013 22:54:52 : Virtual Drive Loader (Version: 1.0.3b)02/04/2013 22:54:52 : 13.09 INITIALIZED OK!: GameEx02/04/2013 22:54:52 : LOAD XML: E:\GameEx\GameEx\PLUGINS\DT Loader\Settings.xml02/04/2013 22:54:52 : XML: XML file was loaded OK!02/04/2013 22:54:52 : RESULT: XML(EXE_PATH) - C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe02/04/2013 22:54:52 : INIT PLUGIN: Initialization completed!02/04/2013 22:55:13 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): EXE IN: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe02/04/2013 22:55:13 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): ARG IN: -mount scsi, 0, "[rompath]\[romfile]"02/04/2013 22:55:13 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): CL: epsxe.exe -nogui [DTLOADER-SCSI]02/04/2013 22:55:13 : 7-ZIP: Checking for 7-zip...02/04/2013 22:55:13 : 7-ZIP: 7-zip setting found! Changing ROM path...02/04/2013 22:55:13 : 7-ZIP: path=Z:\ROMS\[Redump.org] Sony PlayStation (USA) (20130213)\Games02/04/2013 22:55:13 : 7-ZIP: 7-zip is not enabled!02/04/2013 22:55:13 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - ARG USING: -mount scsi, 0, "Z:\ROMS\[Redump.org] Sony PlayStation (USA) (20130213)\Games\American Pool (USA).cue"02/04/2013 22:55:13 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - EXE USING: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe02/04/2013 22:55:14 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - Image mounted! Sleeping...02/04/2013 22:55:18 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): Loader was launched successfully!02/04/2013 22:55:18 : CMD OUT: Returning rebuilt Command Line...Runitgame.bat chcp 65001D:CD "D:\Emulator\Sony\PS1\ePSXe"epsxe.exe -nogui [DTLOADER-SCSI]
  3. Hello. Thanks for the BETA. I gave it a try and it didnt make any difference. I'll describe the scenario i am using. I am testing this with EPSXE. Normally the emulator command line is "epsxe.exe -nogui". The emu is configured to use the I: drive I added "[DTLOADER_SCSI]", to the command line and this resulted in the behaviour mentioned earlier. I have included the plugin log below, but don't worry too much about it. I came up with a solution using before/after commands. EDIT: Another thing I noticed is that EPSXE didnt like having "[DTLOADER_SCSI]" being included in the command line. 01/04/2013 13:11:10 : Virtual Drive Loader (Version: 1.0.3b)01/04/2013 13:11:10 : 13.08 INITIALIZED OK!: GameEx01/04/2013 13:11:10 : LOAD XML: E:\GameEx\GameEx\PLUGINS\DT Loader\Settings.xml01/04/2013 13:11:10 : XML: XML file was loaded OK!01/04/2013 13:11:10 : RESULT: XML(EXE_PATH) - C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe01/04/2013 13:11:10 : INIT PLUGIN: Initialization completed!01/04/2013 13:11:33 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): EXE IN: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe01/04/2013 13:11:33 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): ARG IN: -mount scsi, 0, "[rompath]\[romfile]"01/04/2013 13:11:33 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): CL: epsxe.exe -nogui [DTLOADER-SCSI]01/04/2013 13:11:33 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - ARG USING: -mount scsi, 0, "Z:\ROMS\[Redump.org] Sony PlayStation (USA) (20130213)\Games\American Pool (USA).cue"01/04/2013 13:11:33 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - EXE USING: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe01/04/2013 13:11:34 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - Image mounted! Sleeping...01/04/2013 13:11:38 : DT MOUNT (CL-SCSI): Loader was launched successfully!01/04/2013 13:11:47 : DT UNMOUNT (CL-SCSI): Terminating...01/04/2013 13:11:47 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - ARG USING: -unmount scsi, 001/04/2013 13:11:47 : VD LAUNCHER: Launcher(NEW) - EXE USING: C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe01/04/2013 13:11:48 : DT UNMOUNT (CL-SCSI): Drive unmounted successfully!01/04/2013 13:11:50 : Exiting GameEx...01/04/2013 13:11:50 : Later!
  4. Hello I have a collection of images that are compressed with 7z. I have enabled 7z support for the emulator in GameEx. If I use the plugin on a folder of uncompressed images, the plugin works great. However, If I use the 7z folder, the plugin tries to mount the image from the original folder, rather than where GameEx has uncompressed it to. Is there any way this can be address via the plugin, or is it a problem with GameEx?
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