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Everything posted by blakepoet

  1. Thanks, but i already have .cue files filtered... when i launch gameex choosing the cue file, it wont load... Outside of gameex, Raine32.exe can load the cue file just fine...
  2. Sorry to revisit this thread but Raine32 will not boot directly to a CD drive when I use a virtual drive, most likely because it is in cue+iso+wav format. You can load directly from iso but the audio tracks will not play properly. My best and only option is to load directly from the cue file, which I am able to do through the Gui and it plays the game fine. However, I am unable to get it to work in Gameex... Perhaps i am missing something in the command line? I'm currently using: raine32.exe -n -fs 1 "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" GameEx.ini log.txt
  3. Feature Request: Progress Bar for loading zipped roms. Reason: I have zipped all of my Wii, Gamecube, PS1 and PS2 Roms with 7z. Sometimes it takes up to 10 minutes to load a game. It would be a neat feature to have a progress bar while the game is unzipping itself.
  4. @IMBerzerk Thanks for your help. I am also using MESS 146. I can get MESS to run outside of Gameex, so i don't think its a setup issue. The moment i change the rom filename i get the error: 'xxx.bin not found.' Like GamePimp said above, the game won't work unless the filename matches the name on the software list. It dosent show up correctly in Gameex. I can fix the naming with a map file but that wont help with the artwork. I can probably get everything to work by using a map file and and manually renaming each snapshot but there are over 2000 roms and it will be a mind boggling project indeed. As an alternative, I am just using other emulators besides Mess but the aspect ratio is messed up in full screen mode on some emulators. It would be nice to use MESS if only for that reason.
  5. Hello, I was wondering if there was any progress on this issue. I'm very excited about getting my retro collection together and this is the only thing that's holding it back. Anyhow, thanks for this great front end. I have been tinkering with it for the past month, and the amount of tweaks and customizations are endless. I purchased the lifetime updates along with emumovies and it is worth every penny!
  6. Hi Frequency. If i can remember correctly, when i disabled the DT virtual drive in Daemon Tools Lite and just leave SCSI installed, the command "pce.exe -cd:[VIRTUALDRIVE]" did not work. It was not auto mounting to the SCSI drive. I do not see an option in the DT preferences menu to set a default...
  7. I've spent hours trying to figure out why the command "pce.exe -cd:[VIRTUALDRIVE]" did not work for me. It turns out that Magic Engine will only play the ROM when it is mounted on a SCSI virtual drive. For some reason the command "pce.exe -cd:[VIRTUALDRIVE]" only mounts the Rom on a DT virtual drive and Magic Engine will not recognize it. Using the launch and before code specifies the mount to be on SCSI. LaunchBefore="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount scsi, 0, "[RomPath]\[RomFile]" LaunchAfter="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount scsi, 0 I believe this is also true for the playstation emulator ePsxe, but that goodness they have an option to load the Rom directly without mounting.
  8. Thanks so much for this. I can confirm that it works.
  9. individual settings for each rom is stored in the cfg folder for Mame
  10. Hello, I appreciate all of your work and effort. I'm not sure if this is what you need but it is from the hash folder of the MESS directory. hash.zip
  11. I just ran some tests by using Resident Evil 2 and the eSPXe emulator. I recorded the load time from the moment i clicked on play in GameEx to the moment the Rom starts on the screen. Uncompressed Rom: 675mb. Load time: 12 Seconds. .zip with "normal" compression setting: 428mb. Load time: 21 Seconds. .zip with "best" compression setting: 428mb. Load time: 21 Seconds. .7z with "normal" compression setting. 365mb. Load time: 35 Seconds. .7z with "Ultra' compression setting. 365mb. Load time: 35 Seconds. It appears the compression level has no effect on the file size, whether its set on "normal" or "ultra." I'm not sure what the differences are in the compression methods for .7z, so I left it at LZMA. Right now I am leaning toward .zip format because its somewhere in the middle of speed and space. Does anyone know if compression also affects in game loading times (ie cutscenes)?
  12. Hello, I have been thinking of compressing some Playstation ISO images to save space on the hard drive. What is the preferred compression format to use (.zip, .rar or .7z) for GameEx that is most optimal for file size vs loading time? Also, which compression setting should I use? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
  13. Are you able to get the full game title in the GameEx romlist and can you associate artwork to each ROM?
  14. The Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 roms are all zipped. I have no problem getting the roms to run in GameEx. Its just that on the GameEx romlist, the name of the game is ddragonu, for example, when it should be Double Dragon. I changed the name of the rom to DoubleDragon.zip, but then it will no longer be recognized in MESS. The problem is that I cannot get any artwork associated to the file name ddragonu.zip. I know MAME has a similar naming convention but somehow it is displayed with the full title name in GameEx. Is there anyway we can do that for MESS?
  15. hello, thanks for your replies. It appears that once we change the file name of a rom, MESS no longer recognizes it....
  16. Hello, I have been trying to set up the Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 with MESS in GameEX. The problem I am having is that the romlist in GameEx displays the MESS filenames, instead of the full game title. I have attached a screen shot, as it is easier to explain. This has become an issue because emumovies wont recognize these filenames and it will not associate any artwork to them. However, the roms will ONLY work in MESS with this naming convention. How can i get MESS roms to display the full game title in GameEx and have it work with the MESS emulator at the same time?
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