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  1. sorry i forgot to mention that it is a two screen setup with the play-field in landscape hence the rotating of the screen, this setup can be used with other emulators that require turning. cheers
  2. log.txt hi here is my log and my ini in coming up hope it helps PinballX.ini log.txt
  3. Hi Having got back into the swing of updating my virtual pinball machine , which has joystick and controls with the much needed help of some of your members i thought i could share my pcsx2 setup with you.After a day messing about with i rotate and parameters i came up with the following which works with iso files and doesn't mount the dvd/cd Please correct if anything could be done easier but i found it works perfect for the few games i require Firstly i use pcsx2 and i found this plugin http://www.pbernert.com/cdvdpeops102.zip for the cd/dvd only worked for me nothing else would boot (place in pcsx2 plugins) next pinballx settings ok thanks to joyrider3774 i made these ahk and bat filesstart.ahkexit.ahk all standard installation folders,if you dont have irotate then https://www.entechtaiwan.com/files/irotate.exe pcsx2 launchbefore.batpcsx2 launch after.bat which i placed in pinballx/scripts folder(with the ahk files) Ok this is my first post to help others,please ask me to change anything that is incorrect or not in order Its just a nice have to play a few ps2 games with ease thanks to all in the community it makes it a joy to build cheers
  4. absolutely brilliant thank you, had an emergency at work so just got to try it but only my resolution is wrong thanks a lot it has saved me a world of bother cheers
  5. Fantastic thank you im just experimenting launching the app direct using -applaunch 226980 and just navigating via joystick,not really working but thank you and will look forward to seeing them cheers
  6. I did try freecam mod but never got it right i dont know if it was set up correctly in pinballx settings though the only settings i could find were from 2018 and didnt take into effect the arcooda cabinet settings,do you know what defaults on pinballx settings i need to enter?.cheers thanks for the swift supply
  7. Hi all, having built my own pinball machine and arcade machine using the usual suspects of pinball fx3,mame and visual pinball i decided to purchase the arcooda cabinet key and set up pinball arcade as i have the williams tables i wanted . I thought it would be a doddle to set up but is it just me or is it a pain in the butt.I have checked my famous friend google and all i can find really is freecammod related, is there a definitive guide of setting up TPA cabinet version without freecammod or do i have to incorporate it into pinballx setup i would really appreciate any help Im running the new 4.30 pinballx and the latest TPA cheers
  8. excellent site and a big contribution to the community i have built a few tables now but never has media been so well presented and available thank you
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