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Everything posted by bearzilla333

  1. Ok got it working, for some reason I changed theme back to default and now it runs smooth... now to figure out how to edit this topic as resolved...
  2. ati radeon X1300 video card, this is an older dell, this is a new set up, took me for ever to find the drivers for it for windows 7 32bit I have done enough setups before with no problems, but this one has me baffled...
  3. not sure why, I keep wanting to blame the dam video card... Any help please 19:16:43.4 4/21/2015: Opening Configuration File19:16:43.4 4/21/2015: GameEx: Version 14.06: Starting Log19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 32-bit19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Aero NOT running19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Initializing Vista/Windows 7 volume control19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Getting CPU and RAM info19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.06GHz, 2046MB19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: 3.06Ghz - 2 Cores or CPU's19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Running Randomize()19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Loading PlugIns19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Checking for applications to Launch On Startup19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Setting default net connection limit to 1519:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Running Misc startup tasks19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Setting Menu types19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Getting Configuration Values19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: --**--19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: at GameEx.GameEx.MainForm.a(Boolean A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2)19:16:43.6 4/21/2015: at GameEx.GameEx.MainForm..ctor()19:16:43.7 4/21/2015: Disposing Plugins19:16:43.7 4/21/2015: GameEx is exiting with errors19:16:43.8 4/21/2015: ERRORS DETECTED: EXITING19:16:44.0 4/21/2015: Bye
  4. yea I got an older POS HP Compaq D350 small factor form, that has windows home edition XP on it. I got a few of these just lying around collecting dust. After I started this thread I tried the Bootskin program and just jot have the Instant Sheller direct at nothing, lol it pretty much FUBAR my machine got BSOD, apparently that program doesn't like certain BIOS, thank god for back ups ( i got like 3 backs ups of all my MAME and Emulations favs). I havent tried the Tuneup, got nothing to lose really, I did have the Instant Sheller running smoothly with the default skins it has, but I am always trying to learn , and thanks for all the replay it is appreciated.
  5. thanx for reply, yeah I hand it working great, but I was really hoping to change the default boot screen to a custom made one I found on the net, I will just have to use the default Gameex on.
  6. Nothing...?
  7. I can get it to work no problem, however when I try to change the boot image from the default Gameex logo, I can get the main image I want but the loading motion that goes back and forth does not appear. Am I not putting these items in the right place? The other boot image I download has 3 items 1) background image .bmp, 2) a script ini., 3) Load image .bmp. I point the boot image to number one and it only shows that one? Can someone please explain the right way to do this? Please forgive my noobness. thanx in advance,
  8. It sure does, thank you so much!
  9. Ah... I think I under stand now. Sorry for the newbie questions. I am still trying to understand it all. thanx for the reply I will tinker more with this issue I have.
  10. I have my Gamex and all my console emulators, MAME and pinball games working great on my main PC, but I want to give me sister and her nephews a taste of some of the simpler arcade games that can run on her older PC. Since their hard drive is limited on how much space they have. I decided to pick and and choose about 100+ old school games like pacman/donkey kong ect. However when I did this about half of the MAME ROMS I grabbed did not show up, I went through the filters and still not luck. For poops and giggles, I decided to bring my portable HDD over and test all the ROMS I had. Sure enough they all showed up. I am just a bit confused as to why to half the ROMS I picked and choose to run on my sister PC did not show up. Am I supposed to use more that one ROM for one game? Am I missing something here? If any one can shed some light on this for me I would be greatly appreciate it. Thank you
  11. ok thank you, I didnt see that post, I seen another one. thanx
  12. Where does Gamex store the favorites list. I did do a search, I did see something that it was in the data folder, but I can not seem to locate exactly where it is. Thanx for any replies
  13. Yeah I seen this, but the combination of this and other posts on this forum, truly helped me complete mine to run in Gameex. I am thankful for all the info and polite people on here and I will be purchasing the full version of Gameex when I get my next student loans/scholarships. VPinball for me was the hardest for me to figure out, but I am glad I kept tinkering with it. Now of to future pinball.
  14. Actually I got it to work now!!!! All I need was made sure Gameex was on the "run as admin" also, that did the trick, finally got VPinball to work smoothly in Gameex. Thanx for the info and help
  15. Well I got the wrapper/launcher to work from the link you gave, works really nice! Gameex however trys to run it but again the permissions is still waiting for me to click yes...Can I ask how you got around this? Both the launcher exe and the VPinball exe have the "run as admin" checked, but still does it. Other than that I think i am close.
  16. Sweet I will dive in and check it out thanx.
  17. yeah that was the post I used to get me this far Gameex will launch it, but I know that the program is asking for "user rights" thus making my screen black. I do have it (under properties "run as admin") Not sure why it keeps asking for it. I was hoping maybe the loader/wrapper would help get by this, but I am not sure where to put them files at. Thanx for the fast response
  18. I seen this post and it really didn't finish to a resolve as I am kinda stuck with the Loader thing myself. I got Visual Pinball working great outside Gameex. Gameex however will not load game for me, I have it all set up and it seems when select a table to play it, it goes black. It wants to load but it is stuck asking me for permission to run the program (vspinball). So I decided to fart around with the loader (since I keep on seeing it when I search about this.) This is a dumb question but where do I put the all the files for this loader?
  19. Would be nice to check it out along with all the competition ones...
  20. lol thanks! I am begning to really like GameEx! I only been playing with it last 3 days or so. Seems really nice.
  21. Wow, I'm a goof. This controller normally goes straight dead when the batteries are about dead, I never seen it act like this. It was my batteries. Every thing works now.
  22. yes it does, but I just realized it plays the same way, the control lags. like playing ms.pacman I press one direction and the delay is very long to respond.
  23. So far I figured out to get my MAME and ROMS working properly, but my Rumblepad 2 does work, but it works like it is lagging, nothing is instant. Tried to play a game and it reacts very slow to controls.
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