There's an option to set the general font size in the Setup Wizard. I don't know if it has something to do with your issue, but would you give it a try? Just to see if something changes... I don't remember where, but I'm sure there is an option for this, but in the Setup Wizard... I can access only the language file (of the Setup Wizard) which reports: <setting name="Font Size" default="Normal" type="ComboBox" inisection="General" ininame="FontSize" description="Modify the default font size."> <option name="Biggest" ininame="5" /> <option name="Even More Bigger" ininame="4" /> <option name="Bigger still" ininame="3" /> <option name="Bigger" ininame="2" /> <option name="Normal" ininame="0" /> <option name="Smaller" ininame="-2" /> <option name="Smallest" ininame="-3" /> </setting>So, or you find that option in Setup Wizard (I can post its location tomorrow) or can manually edit the "FontSize=" entry in GONFIG\GameEx.ini. According to the code above accepted values are 5, 4, 3, 2, 0, -2, -3, from the biggest to the smallest.