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  • Birthday 03/05/1977

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  1. Hi Han, The reason for this is that level 6 is a boss rush level. I got back through to the 4th boss. The time is really tight on that level. You have to defeat each boss very quickly. I imagine it would change to 6-2 had I got to the last boss. As for the TG suggestion. I am going to look into it. That is awesome!!
  2. Cheers for the suggestions chaps. I think I have a registry issue. I tried re-instaling .net and the windows update is failing on one update for it. I will try and fix it today.Failing that think I will have to do a re-installation
  3. Hi all, I posted last week about GameEx crashing on me quite regularly. I spoke to Tom and I thought I had fixed the problem, but I am getting a very high percentage of crashes with it again. Sometimes it does it whilst loading and other times whilst I am cycling through the lists. We thought it maybe a codec issue. So I uninstalled the latest Shark007 pack and grabbed the one from PinballX. I thought this had fixed the problem but it seems to be crashing an awful lot today. Does anyone have any idea how I may be able to track down the rogue codec or whatever else may be causing this issue? GameEx has always been rock solid for me in terms of reliability up until now. If any other info is needed then let me know. Cheers J. log.txt GameEx.ini
  4. Hi Tom, Just saw your post. I have just tried again. I managed to get 2 as a test then I got to the daily allowance cap
  5. Got so close to a 1CC on this. The last level is a boss rush mode. I got back to the 4th boss with this score. 47,711,600. Was really surprised to get this as I have an epic hangover.
  6. Yes, just. I have only managed it once so far though. Just had another couple of attempts, but I wasn't close this time.
  7. Sorted the big picture mode issue. There is a small file here that worked for me. Disabling the guide button in Steam isn't officially supported. Please delete if posting links isn't allowed. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2936083&page=2
  8. Cheers Adultery. I didn't know this was a permission issue. Lastly, Does anyone know how to disable Big picture from opening with a 360 pad? I know this isn't a GameEx issue but I figured that that there must be a solution to it here a GameEx allows guide button usage.
  9. Thanks Draco1962. That worked. I didn't realize you can't download directly from the site. Does anyone have any ideas why my sig isn't updating or how to disable big picture mode on steam when using a 360 pad?
  10. This seems to have done the trick. Cheers Tom
  11. No. Whenever I click on a theme in the downloads section it says that I don't have permission.
  12. First post for this one. I have always loved this game, but the more I play it the more frustrating it becomes. There are so many unpredictable sections. Especially the area with the bombs dropping on parachutes. Some times I breeze through it, other times they knock me off again and again. I got to the Amazon boss fight. 53,000
  13. Does anyone have any ideas on these? I have checked and I still cant download themes from the site. So I am guessing it isn't to do with daily usage as I haven't used the FTP since the first post?
  14. I have had a score increase on this. 38,763,840.
  15. That makes sense actually Tom. As I downloaded the Shark007 codec pack yesterday to enable playback of some steam videos that weren't playing. I will uninstall and see what happens. Thanks for looking into this for me.
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