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Phantom last won the day on July 14 2024

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About Phantom

  • Birthday 12/30/1977

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    Etobicoke, Ontario

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  1. It’s working! Do you mind me asking what was the problem? Just so I know for my own troubleshooting knowledge. Thanks again for giving up your free time on a Sunday
  2. here you go NVIDIA System Information 10-20-2024 11-55-22.txt
  3. Hi Tom, me again 🤦🏻‍♂️ So it seems now when I try to load a Mame game, i jusy get a black screen. I'm assuming it has to do with the Fullscreen mode. Is it one of my Mame flags thats doing it or is there one I should or shouldnt use?? GameEx.ini log.txt
  4. I just tried 18.82 and the problem is gone. Thanks again Tom.
  5. Hey guys, I saw the latest updates come out and I couldn't wait to try them to see if they happen to fix my problem, so I remote accessed my arcade from work and did the update and it looks like its all working good with the latest update (18.80) I'll have to really check well this weekend when I have time but do you think it was the Fullscreen Exclusive mode? Or was there something else that might have been doing it. Thanks for all the hard work as usual... Looking forward to hopefully putting this issue behind and moving on to the next one 🤪
  6. Here are my files. THEMES & PLUGINS.zip
  7. great! do you need me to send those over?
  8. Here you go... log.txt GameEx.ini
  9. Hi, Just updated to 18.75 and this problem still persists. If I disable Custom Menus I see GameEx but if Custom Menus is enabled I get a black screen… 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Ok so I played around with the GameEx.ini file and in the end it didn't really have any effect. But I did find that disabling CUSTOM MENUS is what actually works. Before disabling CUSTOM MENUS I tried differtent Themes and the only one that worked was DEFAULT - GAMELAUNCHER, all the others do the same Black Screen. But when I Disable CUSTOM MENUS all themes work. I don't know the connection but maybe something changed when 18.57 was created. CustomMenu.ini
  11. Hi, So I just tried something else. I removed my GameEx.ini and started GameEx 18.65 so it created a fresh config and it worked! So there is something in my ini that is causing the problem. I’ll go through it when I get a chance and remove things one at a time until I find the issue and report back so @Tom Speirs can see how that effects the new version when he can.
  12. I just tried removing the Set Resolution setting and it didn't make a difference.
  13. Here are the files. Thanks for your time PS: I tried other themes and they all do the same thing (Black Screen) except the ones that show Game Art in the Background. log.txt GameEx.ini Default - Default NN.7z
  14. Hi, I just decided to update to 18.65 and this problem still persists. GameEX only works for me up to 18.56. I know its been a while but did anything change from 18.56 to 18.57 that would cause GameEx to not load?
  15. I have to kill the process. I don't have Esc set to exit GameEx Note: I Just enabled the Esc key and it made no difference
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