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Everything posted by Jopp

  1. As I had a working situation before the 6.57 update I figured out what files made it stop working. It was XDMD.dll and XDMDNative.dll so I replaced the two from the new update to my previous ones. I attached the 2 (for me) working files: just copy them to the PinballX folder where you can find the excisting ones (make a copy of them before so you can revert if necessary). XDMD.dll XDMDNative.dll
  2. Mmm...do not really understand what you mean... With the faulty situation VPX loads everything. Now I replace the existing dmddevice64.dll by a newer one and it will not use/load it anymore, nothing else changed. And yes, VPX itself will make use of this newer dmddevice64.dll as it is in the vpinmame directory. But I do suspect the XDMD.dll and XDMDNative.dll or the collaboration with something else (dmddevice64.dll ??) because when I replace these with older ones it's all fine. So, for me no problem, take this issue as solved but (at least for me) out-of-the box in combination with a pin2dmd it's not working.
  3. clever thinking! But... I see that there is a huge difference between those two versions. The dmddevice64.dll in PBX which came from the V6.57 is dated 11-11-2017 / size 103kB The dmddevice64.dll in PinMAMEwhich came from the latest Freezy (1.9.1) is dated 7-11-2024 / size 12.791kB V2.3.0 When copy/overwrite this file from mame->pbx the DMD isn.t on the pin2dmd but appears on my PFmonitor so it looks like PBX can not use this version of this file. When starting a table it's all fine and the DMD is working. When returning to PBX the display_on_the_table is not visable any more but when closing PBX I briefly see it on the PFmonitor so I think when returning to PBX as described it's hiding behind PBX itself. So, yes these are 2 very different dmddevice64.dll's but not the solution to the problem (which is replacing the XDMD.dll and XDMDNative.dll that came with V6.57)
  4. @Mike, there is no dmddevice.log in the pinballx directory, also not in the .. \LOG directory. There is a dmddevice.log in the pinmame dir so I attach that, if you need something more pls let me know. thanks for your help! DmdDevice.ini_from_VPinMAME.ini DmdDevice.log_from_VPinMAME.config
  5. Before I was running V6.07 and did not have these problems. But... I installed a total new PC for my VPIN and installed all latest software so it's not only the latest PBX but also the latest Freezy driver, flexdmd etc. My experience now is that with PBX 6.57 is as described, when I exit PBX and restart I do again have a DMD again in PBX-browse mode (but it vanishes as described above). When I replace the 2 xdmd files with the ones from 6.07 it's all fine so it is working for me at the moment, thanks for your reply.
  6. Hello, When starting PBX and browsing through the table list the PIN2DMD is working Problem is that after selecting and starting a table the PIN2DMD is not working, table starts but nothing happens on the DMD. When exiting the table and returning to PBX there is no display anymore as well. Of course when starting the table directly with VPX it all works fine. I replaced the XDMD_dll files that come with the latest V6.57 with the 2 previous ones (XDMD.dll and XDMDNative.dll dated both 8-8-23) and now I does work (almost perfect, sometimes a video scrambles or does not show but may-be that's some other issue) Logs attached, including the dmddevice log from \Visual Pinball. Thanks DmdDevice_from_VP.log log.txt PinballX.ini XDMDlog.txt
  7. GREAT, Thank you!! I didn't know there was an update so I still used an older version which was not capable of recording the playfield in VPX.8 (just a still picture). This version does it all, also VPX.8GL and also very fast, great help, thank you!
  8. Yes, gave it a try today but no change. But it isn't a big problem..more then 4 minutes is but these additional 19 seconds....can live with that. Thanks for your help Mike!
  9. Hi Mike, that's a good find 🙂 ! So...I disabled the 2 plugins but same_same. Still 37 sec from pressing start_to_play -> playing ready. I enabled only the working one and made a log file, see attached file. Only thing I can see in the log_file is that PBX is having a time out after 32 seconds. Does that mean sometihing/ is that unusual or is it normal? 19:31:55.70 24-11-2024: D:\Program Files\Visual Pinball\PinballX\vpauto.exe 19:32:28.11 24-11-2024: Visual Pinball Foreground Timout: 32 Thanks! log.txt
  10. Did some testing with the loading videos and I can say: the length of the LV does not matter at all. First I checked again loading time before you can really play the table with my default settings (but no launch audio), it was 37 sec. Then I deleted all videos from the LV dir, same result. Then I placed a very long video (1m40) in the LV subdir, when starting the table it starts this video but again, after 37 sec the table is up-and-running. So, LV had no effect on loading times, it was just the Launch Audio that did. One weird thing though: When starting this table from PBX first I see DOF become active (by the undercab and speaker lights) and the BG shows. But it takes an other 16 sec's before the table is playable (it appears first after 14sec, disappears and then the talbe comes back and you can play). When starting directly from VPX the time between BG appearing and table is ready is 6 sec's so less then half the time. But..well..can live with that, it's just an observation.
  11. Hi Mike, thank you for your help, appreciated. And... I think I've found the issue. First of all: I tried all the options you mentioned. but with no succes. Then I looked something up...... have a look at the picture I attached. As this table is an original I did not have any Launch sound so I exported a sound from the tables's sound menu. But....as you can see.... this audio is 3min30 sec long and....PBX is waiting for it to be played back completely!! (but you won't hear it because PBX mutes the audio) I deleted this launch sound and now the loading time using PBX was 37 sec so ...3m30 + 0m37 makes more then 4 minutes. So...mystery solved. Only strange thing is that launching the table from PBX takes 37sec, when I load and run it from my tables directory directly (so same situation: VPX.8 had to be loaded and running as well) it takes 19 seconds so PBX makes it double the time. May-be PBX is also waiting for the loading video to be completed as it loops? Anyway...mystery solved, thanks for your help Mike!
  12. thanks Mike. Well....I do have the DX as well but it is giving me micro ball-stutters where the GL version is working great. The loading problem I reported here has purely (afaik) to do with PBX and or the combination with this table: when loading and running tis specific table directly with VPX it runs great. WHEN it does start with PBX (>4min) it runs also great...just 4 minutes waiting is not normal (all other tables run fine).
  13. Well....it is not directly in the windows -> programs folder. Windows is installed on a seperate ( C : ) drive and the rest, including subfolders like Program Files is on a (also physical) different drive (D in this case). The folders you mention do exist under the C; (and windows use them) but I do not use them for VPX, just gave them the same names. And besides V2: all other tables (>600) run and load fine. Not superfast but within 20..30 seconds where this specifice table takes more then 4 minutes. Thanks for your input Mike!
  14. what are you looking for?? Both log files and ini files I have posted again, see post above (seperate so not in a zip file...) Anything else?
  15. Well..I thought it would be handy to know exactly what table i was having problems with (as it is 1 specific table) But ok, all fine. I tried FSwindowed....exactly the same result.
  16. here they are... thank you log.txt PinballX.ini XDMDlog.txt
  17. Hello, On my cab I have a lot of tables and all run and load fine within PinballX. Only problem with 1 specific table: Gorillaz. https://vpuniverse.com/files/file/22258-gorillaz/ When selecting this table within PBX, things start normal: I have my Loading video on my main screen waiting for the table to load...but. After 40 sec this video disappears (I guess this is the length of the video) and all screens (topper, BG, PF) are black, just looks like it's a major freeze. But...after 3 min 50 the BG appears and 15 sec later (which is also long compared to normal) the table appears and I can play making it a total of more then 4 minutes before this table is ready. All other tables are running within seconds. Also, when starting this table directly with VPX10.8 GL it runs within seconds. Installed latest PBX version (6.20) but no succes. Thank you PBX_log & ini.zip
  18. Hi Mike, I read and installed it that way but I only got playfield recording, not together with backglass. Now, that is mentioned in the manual but as you say "capturing will be a 1 time click as you did with 10.7 as well" I am wondering if there is a method to capture both together. With 10.7 I used PBXrecorder and that program recorded both BG and PF together but, as said, that program does not work with 10.8 as 10.8 goes 'lower' into video processing, not allowing a record. Not a big problem as I can do it in 2 steps (first pbxrecorder for BG and then nvidiacapture for pf) but I wonder if you managed to have it both at once. Thanks!
  19. That's a great option to do that on a per table base as a lot of older videos are working now ok, only the newer ones are rotated per default. Question for the DBM: can it record the PF and BG at once? Now I have to do it in 2 steps, first with a ffmpeg recorder, recording both the BG and the (not working, static PF) and then with the NVidia tool the PF, then replacing the first recorded PF with the new (and now first rotating as well). So...a lot of manual steps where on 10.7 everything was recorded with just 1 click. Well, not a big issue as you do not have to do it a lot but if it could be done again with 1 click that would be nice. What's your procedure for this?
  20. Thanks Tom, problem is that if I record it within PBX it does not work at all for VP10.8GL, just 1 still frame as reported earlier here. Well....will rotate it and wait some time, no problem.
  21. Hello, I recorded a PFvideo and when I play it in my Windows Media Player it is all fine, it's the same picture I have as when I start the table. However.... if I use this video within PBX as my playfield video then it's rotated a 180 degrees, putting the flippers on the top The only way I can resolve this is to use a ffmpeg tool that rotates the video 180 degrees. If I play that video in Windows Media Player then the flippers are indeed ontop so the PF is turned 180 degrees and if I use that video in PBX it's ok..... However...it's an extra step and it takes some time to rotate the video so I wonder if it's a PBX thing and if so may-be can be resolved (or am I missing a setting somewhere??) Using the latest PBX version. Thanks Pirates Life (Original) (2024).mp4 log.txt PinballX.ini
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