Indeed, I have a yellow and blue box planned for the vpx tables in the \PinballX\Media\System Overlays folder.
In fact I never noticed! I was looking for a bug where there wasn't one! Sorry for wasting your time.
Have a good end of the day.
I use full screen mode for the main screen and windowed full screen mode is yes.
I am in 1920x1080 resolution for the playfield and 1280x720 for the backglass.
Hello, can we resize or move the display on the playfield of the tables displayed with the wheel
because they are poorly centered or do not take up the entire screen?
In fact the yellow frame is missing on the left side of the screen?
PinballX.ini log.txt
i had to change my PC.
I reinstalled everything with the same settings which worked very well.
What I can't explain is why I have the wheel on the playfield and the looding message
and then nothing on the playfield even though the table launches well!
I think the problem comes from the positioning of my screens which are 2-1.
I encounter the problem generated by windows like many of us!!
But I didn't encounter this problem in my old installation. If I reverse my screens in the pinballx settings
I have my backglass and I have my playfield but very small!
I encounter a problem when I launch a table using PINBALLX. I have the BACKGLASS but not the PLAYFIELD.
On the other hand, when PINBALLX is launched I have the wheel on the playfield and when I launch a table
directly through VPINBALLX I also have the playfield.
I don't understand.
Thanks for your help.
PinballX.ini log.txt