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Lee Stecher

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Everything posted by Lee Stecher

  1. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get PinballX 6.03 to show Instructions as a choice. Then I installed version 6.01 over 6.03 and "Instructions" appears as an option for all emulators when selecting a game. The game instructions display as expected. The instructions even display when I reinstalled the other program (that installs Adobe flashplayer_32_sa.exe and links it to .swf files). So, I'm mystified - but will stay on 6.01. Thanks for your help. I'm moving on to find out how to get Pinball 6.01 to show VPX version 10.7.3 playfields on Monitor 1. By the way - DOF/DOFLinx, BAM, and dmdext all work as expected.
  2. Mike, thanks for responding - you are really helping!. I downloaded all the files manually and changed them so they have the same names. I wrote a Python program to verify names and extensions across all the various folders and the XML files. Based on your previous messages, I found another program had downloaded Adobe flashplayer_32_sa.exe and linked it to .swf. I think PinballX was passing because of it. So I uninstalled Adobe flashplayer and got the same log.txt you got. I rebooted Windows 7 and then deleted Flash.ocx and reinstalled PinballX 6.03 - which created Flash.ocx. However, PinballX log.txt still has "Error initializing flash engine." So, I'm still playing around to get PinballX to find Flash.ocx. Any thoughts?
  3. My sincere thanks for responding, Sorry, I'm not familiar with the forums. PinballX is great! You hit on the problem - I have no working flash - I had wrongly assumed PinballX installed it's own flash player. What Flash player do you install - Adobe dropped it's support? Also I just found one other issue. VPX playfields (version 10.7.3) appear horizontal on the DMA (Monitor 3). I attached Pinballx.ini and log.txt files. What did I do wrong? VPPinball995 and Future Pinball works as it should. Thanks again! PinballX.ini log.txt
  4. The text section in PinballX.ini is the default version after loading PinballX version 6.03 . It shows "Instructions" as the text for the Instructions option. The other options are also filled in as the defaults. However, when selecting any game , the choices are: Play Game, Information, Flyer, Favorites Add, Rate Game, Lists, Return. Instructions is NOT listed as a choice. Every pinball game emulator folder, ./PinballX/Media, and ./PinballX/ has a subdirectory called "Instructions" with the name of EVERY game as: name.swf, name 1.swf, name 2.swf, etc. PinballX and the pinball game emulators (Visual Pinball, Future Pinball, etc.) are all on my F: drive. Everything else works. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
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