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Everything posted by palindrom

  1. New Request: Search sub folder for game Art, manual etc.. ( i like keep my rom in an individual folder for eahc game with the Art, manual, boxes). New Request if possible: Speedup when browsing Favorite, my computer often hang for many second (core I5-750, 7200trm defragmented 2000to hard disk) Old request that would be a Must-have for me: Option to minimize GameEx to tray instead of closing, restarting GameEx would restore from tray instead of opening second instance.
  2. well, im looking for the same thing, a way to select rom by the front cover instead of snap, is there theme that use the front cover dimension for thumbnails?
  3. I dont want any transparency effect while using gameex in windowed mode, turning off transparency effect it windows 7 option dont work. any idea how to do it? i tried many theme..all have transparency
  4. Here is my Request ADD an option To minimize gameex to tray instead of closing. Then if we click on gamex.exe again, it restore from tray instead of opening a second instance.
  5. well, thank for all your quick reply and help..i found a little ulility called ''trayconizer'' that do almost as i wanted, when i minimize gameex it go to the tray. i mapped a ''minimize'' key with hotkey so i can minize to tray and open it at will. Still it would be nice if the developer would implement it in gameex in the future Here is my humble newbies request ''ADD a minimize to tray instead of closing gameex option''
  6. well, i just tried exactly as you say, with no success, it start maximized in fullscreen and minimize to the taskbar (intead of the tray as i want).... Did you try it? If possible it would be nice if when i close gameex, it minimize to the tray instead
  7. i was wondering if this was possible, i didnt see any option for it, may another program can make it possible. It would be a must for me! i would like gameex to load when widows start and stay in the tray icon, where i can open with a click, then minimize it to tray at will. This way i could let the gameex program open all the time, i dont want it staying in the task bar while i use other program. (sorry if my english is poor)
  8. Well, all my Cd image are in MDX format (compressed image to save space) it work well for the PS1 emulator with the Virtualdrive command (the virtualdrive command only mount the image and send the ''d:'' path to the emulator, so any format that daemon tools can mount is supported. i wish this command would be supported in the pcsx2 loader in the future.
  9. is it possible to use the [virtualdrive] option with this loader?
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