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  1. [Solved] Seems the 10.7.2...that prior vpx versions allowed vpinballx.exe /play - "filename.vpx" Now it seems it needs to be vpinballx.exe -play "filename.vpx"
  2. Is there a link to the prior version(s) .. having problems with this latest one after the update.
  3. Just updated to the latest release - a few things changing so not 100% certain this was the cause. But starting up a table that uses the very latest github 10.7 pinballx causes this error to show up. The table loads fine via vpinballx.exe. Tried both set to run as admin. It is like it isnt passing the table name?? Going to see if I have an older version to roll back to. 18:21:15.01 2022-07-19: PinballX Core - Version 5.44 x64 18:21:15.04 2022-07-19: Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64-bit (16GB) 18:21:15.04 2022-07-19: Loading Settings 18:21:15.05 2022-07-19: Initialize Component 18:21:15.09 2022-07-19: Initialize Display 18:21:15.16 2022-07-19: Testing Flash engine. 18:21:15.24 2022-07-19: Loading PlugIns 18:21:15.52 2022-07-19: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:21:15.64 2022-07-19: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:21:15.64 2022-07-19: Looking for startup images 18:21:15.94 2022-07-19: Hiding Cursor 18:21:15.99 2022-07-19: Hiding Taskbar 18:21:16.00 2022-07-19: Getting GPU and CPU Information 18:21:16.02 2022-07-19: CPU: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 18:21:16.04 2022-07-19: 4 cores, 8 threads 18:21:16.04 2022-07-19: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 18:21:16.04 2022-07-19: Displays: 3 18:21:16.04 2022-07-19: Load Game List 18:21:16.12 2022-07-19: Loading Database: Future Pinball 18:21:16.14 2022-07-19: Loading Database: Visual Pinball 18:21:16.18 2022-07-19: Loading Database: VPX 18:21:16.19 2022-07-19: Loading Custom Filter Database: old 18:21:16.19 2022-07-19: Initial load gamelist took: 78ms 18:21:16.24 2022-07-19: Finding and matching artwork and videos 18:21:16.43 2022-07-19: Took: 188ms 18:21:16.43 2022-07-19: Loading Game Statistics and Scores 18:21:16.63 2022-07-19: Main display running full screen windowed. 18:21:16.73 2022-07-19: Loading Surfaces 18:21:16.81 2022-07-19: Finished Loading Surfaces 18:21:16.82 2022-07-19: Initialize Audio 18:21:16.86 2022-07-19: Set Keyboard Controls 18:21:16.86 2022-07-19: Initialize Joystick 18:21:16.92 2022-07-19: 1 Joystick Attached 18:21:16.92 2022-07-19: Setting default net connection limit to 25 18:21:16.92 2022-07-19: Started 18:21:34.61 2022-07-19: Launch System 18:21:34.61 2022-07-19: Hide DMD 18:21:34.61 2022-07-19: Hide Backglass 18:21:34.61 2022-07-19: Waiting for threads 18:21:34.79 2022-07-19: Disposing display 18:21:34.92 2022-07-19: Set Plugin data 18:21:36.26 2022-07-19: C:\VPinball\VPinballX.exe /play - "C:\VPinball\Tables\Black Knight (Williams 1980) 3.0.vpx" 18:21:36.73 2022-07-19: C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 18:22:09.11 2022-07-19: Visual Pinball Foreground Timout: 32 18:22:09.24 2022-07-19: PinMame Not detected. Potentially loading DMD image/video 18:22:09.25 2022-07-19: Checking pixels. 18:22:09.31 2022-07-19: Detected all black pixels 18:22:33.30 2022-07-19: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:22:33.35 2022-07-19: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:22:33.80 2022-07-19: Main display running full screen windowed. 18:22:38.94 2022-07-19: Launch System 18:22:38.94 2022-07-19: Hide DMD 18:22:38.94 2022-07-19: Hide Backglass 18:22:38.94 2022-07-19: Waiting for threads 18:22:39.22 2022-07-19: Disposing display 18:22:39.33 2022-07-19: Set Plugin data 18:22:40.10 2022-07-19: C:\VPinball\VPinballX.exe /play - "C:\VPinball\Tables\Black Knight (Williams 1980) 3.0.vpx" 18:22:40.41 2022-07-19: C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 18:23:12.82 2022-07-19: Visual Pinball Foreground Timout: 32 18:23:12.94 2022-07-19: PinMame Not detected. Potentially loading DMD image/video 18:23:12.94 2022-07-19: Checking pixels. 18:23:12.99 2022-07-19: Detected all black pixels 18:23:23.31 2022-07-19: Created DirectX BackGlass Window 18:23:23.36 2022-07-19: Created DirectX DMD Window 18:23:23.78 2022-07-19: Main display running full screen windowed. 18:23:30.21 2022-07-19: Exiting 18:23:30.42 2022-07-19: Showing Taskbar 18:23:30.42 2022-07-19: Unhiding Mouse Cursor 18:23:30.46 2022-07-19: Disposing Plugins 18:23:30.46 2022-07-19: Saving Settings 18:23:30.46 2022-07-19: Waiting for Online Thread 18:23:34.23 2022-07-19: Bye
  4. Using 1.9 - if I do the dmd/bg/table videos all in one go, windows file folder cant figure out the thumbnail previews. If I do the dmd/bg first and then just the tables, the thumbnails work just fine in file explorer. This issue usually comes down to the codec being used. I found that I had to use the yuv420p (make sense) but I also needed the direct to mp4 check box. The problem only happens when I try to do all 3 in one go. Thoughts on this? I will look thru the ahk and see if anything pops out at me.
  5. I am indeed .. unless something is broken or I am special. The paid version is indeed required to hit the actual ftp for downloads, but it seems the game manager still allowed me to get wheels.
  6. okay got it .. the trick was what you said .. in game manager it says userid - I had my "old" derwin in there .. switch it to my email and it let me pick from the available wheels.
  7. Thanks for the response .. I guess I thought it was still available as per the forum post.. but perhaps I am not understanding what "from download section" is referring to. Basic Member - 15MB Upload space. FTP upload only. 20 saved personal messages. 5 downloads a day from download section, 10 second wait, 150MB per day. No access to PinballX download service. No access to GameEx Onliine and FTP. Advertisements shown on forum.
  8. Just getting back to my cab after a couple years .. I tried the import from the game manager and it isnt showing me anything to select from (flyer/wheel/etc). Has the 5 download limit been removed? Is there a log that might show me what it is or is not doing?
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