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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Draco, I'm a little late to the party on this one, but please allow me to congratulate you on this richly deserved promotion!
  2. Hi guys. Thanks for all the help and suggestions! I’m getting ready to take a 4 day trip so I haven’t had a chance to get back around to testing this out, but I’ll definitely try out your suggestions. I always forget about the native controller mapping functionality in GameEx. I’ll definitely check this out (along with the Logitech Profiling software) to see whether it yields results differently than Xpadder. This has definitely thrown me for a loop a few times. I’ll get done configuring my controller in an emulator only to realize that I had the analog/digital mode turned on, and need to go back to reverse the mapping! This does in fact yield some strange results within Kat5200. Typically the mode button simply reverses the functionality of the d-pad and left analog stick, but does not lock out one or the other. I think this was an attempt to appease those diehards who prefer the layout of the Xbox controller to the DualShock style (albeit a somewhat half hearted measure). The weird part is that in Kat5200 it seems to be doing exactly as you describe; either the d-pad or the left analog stick works but not both at the same time (and neither seems to work for number pad entries). Actually I’m starting to think the same thing. Most games that I would actually play on the 5200 don’t use the number pad in any significant fashion, and ultimately I only need to trim 4 number pad buttons from my mapping anyway. After looking at several Atari 5200 controller overlays, it looks like very few games utilize the numbers 4 – 9 on the number pad. Those that do, I could simply filter from my list. In the event that there’s a number pad based game that I simply can’t live without, I can always give Atari800 a whirl. (As an aside, I have to admit to a certain curiosity regarding Rescue on Fractalus by LucasFilm Games (overlay), but attempting to map all those numpad keys in a way that made sense would probably be a nightmare). In all honesty, I’m not sure it’s worth it to create a new emulator group simply to accommodate the 5200. Edit: Draco beat me to the punch while submitting this reply That's sort of the crux of my issue. I am referring to a digital signal rather than input as numeric digits. I can assign Atari number pad entries to any digital button on the controller and have them work (shoulder buttons, triangle, square, L3, R3, etc.). I can't get Atari number pad entries to work in game when mapped to either the d-pad or analog sticks (although they are recognized as valid mappings within the emulator settings). The weird part is that the d-pad and analog sticks work just fine for directional movements in game. This behavior occurs both with and without controller mapping software (or at least with Xpadder). Thanks for all your suggestions guys! Sorry for the (incredibly) long post! I’ll report back if I have a sudden breakthrough in the controller mapping department.
  3. Hello everyone. This post is not so much directly related to GameEx as it is to Kat5200. Since that emulator doesn't have it's own support forum, I figured I'd turn to the greatest minds in emulation that I know of, you guys! My latest adventures have involved configuring inputs for Kat5200. I really like this emulator (based on advice from here) and am hoping to stick with it for the purposes of Atari 5200 emulation. My issue is that after configuring buttons within the app (all of which are recognized within the emulator configuration), only some buttons are recognized within games. My current gaming controller is a Logitech Rumblepad 2 (a DualShock style controller). Obviously the original Atari 5200 controller had a ton of buttons. In order to have valid assignments for all those buttons, one of two things must happen. I must either map a portion of the Atari 5200 number pad to the d-pad, or I must map that same portion of the number pad to directional analog stick movements. I've made similar consessions in other emulators (mapping N64 camera buttons to the right analog stick comes to mind). The trouble is that neither of these options seems to work in Kat5200 with this controller. Hereâ??s what Iâ??ve tried thus far: Without button mapping software Map the 5200 Analog Stick to the Left Analog stick. Map number pad 1-4 to d-pad. Result: Analog Stick works but number pad entries are not recognized. Map 5200 Analog Stick to d-pad. Map number pad 1-4 to Left Analog Stick directions. Result d-pad works, but number pad entries are not recognized. With button mapping software (Xpadder) If I use Auto-Detect Input within the Kat5200 configuration app, it recognizes â??normal buttonsâ?? as the Xpadder key assignments, but with the analog sticks and the d-pad it only recognizes the actual controller inputs (not the Xpadder assignments). If I manually enter the keyboard assignments for the d-pad and analog sticks within the Kat5200 configuration, those keys are not recognized in game, via the controller or the keyboard itself!? (Iâ??ve verified that Xpadder is sending the appropriate keys via notepad) Iâ??m just not sure whatâ??s happening here. Here are the only possibilities I can think of (bearing in mind that these are simply my own crackpot theories). There may be some kind of Raw Input/DirectInput/XInput conflict happening between the controller/emulator/Xpadder. I donâ??t have a plethora of knowledge regarding this, nor do I know what input method is utilized by Kat5200. There may be a conflict between the d-pad and the emulator. The Logitech gamepad uses an 8-way d-pad, where the app is expecting 4-way digital input (for the purposes of the number pad at least). This might explain why the d-pad works for the 5200 analog stick, but not for the 5200 number pad. Still, it seems like a little finger wiggling should get something to register. Kat5200 wonâ??t allow analog input to be assigned to a digital 5200 button? Not sure on this one since technically the d-pad is digital input. Has anyone else experienced anything remotely similar to this (with this emulator or any other)? Are there any clever workarounds? Do you suspect the problem is with my controller (the 8 way vs. 4 way input thing), the emulator (might not recognize analog input for digital buttons â?? even if it appears to allow it in the configuration), or some combination thereof? Any help or advice is appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Dangit! I knew I had to be simply not seeing it. The worst part is that I use that screen all the time! Thanks Ben. I'm loving the newly enhanced Setup Wizard by the way (keeps getting better and better).
  5. I think in this case I think the user is regressing from 11.79 to 11.50. Seems like it would be dicey. I definitely second Draco1962's advice on reporting back as to what you'd like to accomplish with this regression. GameEx has a friendly knowledgeable user base that can help you out with nearly any problem you might be experiencing with GameEx. I'd reccomend the troubleshooting route first before attempting to nuke your install. At the very least follow bkenobi's advice on backing up your data before attempting this.
  6. I'm sure that I'm probably just missing it, but is it possible to export emulator configs through the setup wizard? I think that the more experienced users often refer new users to Tempest's excellent thread (How to ask for Help) when they are starting out. Trouble is that Tempest's thread shows how to export emulator configs via the Advanced Configuration app, which is being phased out. Is there a way to accomplish this through the Setup Wizard?
  7. Sorry to thread jack (especially on one that's been resolved), but this would be flipping sweet! When you're working through the 'Custom' work flow, sometimes it would be nice to be able to navigate directly to a page not explicitly selected as part of the flow. Keep up the great work HK!
  8. Hi Collectivelift Your log doesn't show a whole lot of useful information, but I did notice something strange. Do you have your zsnes executable in the root directory of your C drive? If not you'll need to enter the proper directory containing the zsnes executable (Working Path) in the Setup Wizard. This directory is called the "Working Path" in the Setup Wizard. If it does sound correct that your zsnes executable is in the root directory of your C drive, the next best thing you can do is post your emulator config for zsnes so we can have a good look at what's going on behind the scenes. This post contains details on how to export your emulator config. Does zsnes work if you run the 'Run Last Game' Utility? (Start Menu > GameEx > Utilities > Run Last Game). If not, then it's definitely a problem with the command line (most likely a directory issue as described above). Good luck, and please report back.
  9. How dare I doubt you indeed! (Never again) Your suggestion worked perfectly! Funny thing is, I was almost positive that I had already attempted this suggestion at one point, but apparently I had not made those changes simultaneously. fRequEnCy, as usual you are the man! Consider this one [RESOLVED]. Thanks as always!
  10. Draco, your knowledge of GameEx is remarkable, and your themes are positively inspirational. Here's to another year of being inspirational!
  11. Thanks so much Tom and headkaze! Setup Wizard just keeps getting better and better! I look forward to testing out the latest enhancement when I get home this evening. I also experienced this error (in the 11.74 version). I was going to report it at the time, but honestly I don't use Verify Setup that often, and come on, I mean nullPointer reporting a nullPointer exception? I didn't want to cause the universe to implode! (Looks like we're safe . . . for now). I'll post the details of the error if I run into it again. Thanks again guys, this adds even more motivation for getting that 'GameEx 4 Life' tattoo! (j/k - Sorry my weak attempts at humor are directly related to it being Friday and (finally) getting some nice weather).
  12. Wow thanks HK! You've been a real dynamo around here lately! (which is nothing new of course). I'll definitely test this out. It might be a couple of days before I can report back with any definitive results though. The torrential downpour of biblical proportions has finally come to an end in my neck of the woods, so I need to catch up on some painting around the house over the course of the weekend. I'll let you know what I find out (regarding the Xebra profile, not the house painting ). Thanks again! I'm pretty pumped to show Xebra a little GameEx love.
  13. Thanks fRequEnCy. I'll have a look at those settings when I get home this evening. In truth I did mess around a bit with both of those suggestions while attempting to troubleshoot this issue, but I don't think I used that specific combination of variables together. I honestly thought that I had already disabled Merge Sets in my most recent tests, so that could very well be the case. Also thanks for the tip on the Arcade maps, I did not know that. I started off not including the .zip extension in the file (based on the map file link in your signature), but started to wonder if that wasn't causing me issues, so I modified it. That's what I get for doubting! Thanks again, and I'll keep my fingers crossed!
  14. I started running into a strange problem today. Recently I set up WinKawaks in GameEx with the intent of running the Neo Geo AES system under a separate emulator. (See the explanation at the bottom of this post as to why I'm not just using MAME for this purpose) Any hoo I setup a custom map file representing the subset of games I'd like to display under WinKawaks in GameEx. At first it seemed to be trucking along fairly well, but then I noticed a few specific games in the list that were . . . misbehaving. When I click on certain games in the list it brings up the 'Game Specific" window, but the 'Play This Game' option is not there. For example Art of Fighting 3: The Path of the Warrior looks like this: Where it would normally say 'Play This Game', it lists the title of the game instead. It looks like that for a few seconds, then the screen starts stuttering and intermittently displaying the 'Please Wait' message box several times per second. OK fair enough I. I attempt to return to the Game List, but am unable to. It stays stuck on that screen freaking out. If I click the home button it returns me to the top level menu, freaks out for a bit longer, and eventually settles down. This behavior only happens with a few games in the list, but they are always the same ones. Now the weird part: this only happens when I use a map file. Any (matching) map file. I've attempted to use frequency's map file (Kawaks v1.62.map), my own map file (derived from frequency's map file), and the map file included with GameEx ([Arcade] WinKawaks.map). If I don't use a map file, every game works fine. I'm hoping one of our gurus can point me in the right direction. Here's all the junk that's fit to print: Emulator Config: GameEx Log My Map File I notice that there's a DirectX error towards the end of the log, so that could be related. I've double checked that I'm up to date with my DirectX installation, but who knows maybe there's something to that. Seems wierd that it would only happen on specific games if that's the case. I've also double checked that the rom names in my map file(s) match what's contained in my ROM directory. Any help would be greatly appreciated! * My intent is to set up an emulator strictly dedicated to the Neo Geo AES (console) system, and not the MVS (arcade) system or some combination thereof. This game list will only include games released for the console itself, and will not include any arcade exclusives. The benefit that WinKawaks affords here is that I can opt to run the console version of any given Neo Geo ROM (mostly this just means that the coin button is omitted, and offers expanded options for some games).
  15. This is sort of a request, but mostly laziness on my part! I've been tooling around with XEBRA/ARBEX for PSX emulation recently (specifically with Xebra rather than Arbex). It's updated regularly, and keeps getting better and better. The emu author seems to be very receptive to user feedback and bug reports (although maybe not quite so much as you and Tom!). The goals for this emulator are very similar to the goals of pSX (i.e. accurate PSX emulation, simple interface, and no plugins), but of course pSX is essentially dead. I'll likely keep pSX as my primary PSX emulator in GameEx (due to rumble support), but I'll likely be running Xebra along side it as a fall back for any compatibility issues (while waiting for Dr. Hell to introduce rumble support). I haven't added Xebra to GameEx yet though. The thing is I haven't fiddled around with the command line settings at this point since I've been running everything through the Xebra interface. The command line settings can be found in the Help section of the emulator app, I just haven't done anything with them yet. Like I said, lazy! (time is playing a factor too) At any rate, I think that Xebra would be a worthy addition to the current selection of PSX emulators in GameEx. If I get something up and running I'll post my emulator profile, but if someone else was interested in having a go, I'd gladly be willing to benefit from your hard work! tl;dr: Requesting the addition of a Xebra profile. Thanks!
  16. Awesome! Thanks for all the recent enhancements to the Setup Wizard headkaze!
  17. I would definitely second this request (although I know that this thread isn't the proper place to do so). My real reason for posting is to ask how you manually add more emulator groups. I haven't exceeded the limit of 5 yet, but as I continue to add more systems to GameEx I can definitely foresee that eventual possibility. I apologize in advance if I missed a post describing this process, but my search didn't turn up any promising leads. I guess what I'm really asking is what files need to be edited in order to accomplish this? I also wanted to point out that this component of the request didn't get included in the official requests thread. This would also be an awesome addition even if it's implemented separately from the above request. (Not sure if I'd be stepping on toes to simply carry this request over to the appropriate thread) Thanks!
  18. Please allow me to once again express my gratitude for this awesome application. I have a small request unrelated to the central GameEx application. I really prefer using the Setup Wizard over the Advanced Emulator Config app. My only issue is that I can't run the Setup Wizard in full screen view. I imagine this is due to the Setup Wizard being configured as a dialog window (or something). The problem that manifests itself is that when I enter long directory paths into the Setup Wizard text fields, they are very difficult to read due to the small size of the fields themselves (which are in turn limited by the overall size of the window). Would it be possible to enable fullscreen view for the Setup Wizard? Also add my name to the list of users pining for 'Multiple Favorites Lists' support! Thanks!
  19. I have a feeling you're not alone there. I see quite a few of the long time users mentioning Advanced Emulator Config a lot more than Setup Wizard. Probably comes down to which ever one you used first. I do wish I could run the Setup Wizard in full screen though. Hmmm . . . [HEADS OVER TO FEATURE REQUESTS]
  20. In regards to some features I can definitely see what you're saying. For instance I've thought for some time that GameEx could probably do away with the Advanced Emulator Config program, since (I think) the exact same functionality is available via the Setup Wizard (and the Setup Wizard is prettier ) In other cases though, I think it's a matter of personal preference. I migrated to GameEx from Maximus Arcade (after a hiatus from the emulation scene). It always drove me bonkers that MA would prompt me to setup non-configured emulators every time I ran the app. I realize that this behavior was configurable in MA, but this was the default behavior. In this case I would have highly preferred that MA had a separate app for this function in order to keep the actual Frontend interface as clean as possible. This may be an invalid example since MA in fact did have a separate app for this function, but the fact is that it was so buggy and unreliable in terms of actually saving your configs that MameSeer himself recommended against its use (Also if a secondary app was included anyway, why the default behavior described above). For my money I like to keep the actual frontend interface clean and dedicated to it's intended purpose. If this means separate apps are required for configuration, themes, plugins, and utilities I'm pretty much OK with that. Were there any apps in particular that you think would be good candidates for integration into the main app?
  21. Nice work! Great to hear that it's all working!
  22. I'm sure you've probably got everything worked out at this point, but in order to clarify, the echo command prints a specific piece of text to the command console. So if you write the command echo Hello World into your batch file, Hello World gets printed to the console window. The default behavior for batch files is to write all batch commands to the command console, or to put it another way, the default behavior of a batch file is to run with the following parameter set: @echo on Conversely the @echo off parameter will prevent the contents of the batch file from being written to the command window except where explicitly noted (via the echo command).
  23. If you know your way around a command line, you already know how to write a bat file (and judging from the amount of help you've given users, you're already a command line master). Open Notepad Paste in all the commands you'd like to run separated by a carriage return. Also, make sure that what you are pasting is plain text (Pasting from Word is notorious for 'special' characters). Sometimes it's safer to actually type out the commands by hand, as this error can be very tricky to debug (easy to fix, hard to see). Save the file with a .bat (not .txt) extension Now you can run your batch file from the command line using the following syntax: "[Directory Path]\YourBatName.bat" or if you want to get fancy: start "" "[Directory Path]\YourBatName.bat" You're off to the races now. If you need to edit your bat file after having created it, don't double click it since that will run the file rather than opening it (I still always do this). Instead right click the file and select Edit As you get more advanced in your abilities you may find yourself wanting a more advanced editing app. I highly recommend Notepad++ for this purpose. Best of luck man!
  24. Hey fRequEnCy, could this be an issue similar to the one you helped me resolve a while back (regarding his AlsoLaunch parameter)? [Resolved] 'Launch After' Watching Wrong Process? Long thread, but fReq's last suggestion is what did the trick for me.
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