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About coreduo0099

  • Birthday 01/01/1968

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  1. Hello Tom, Would it be possible to put in an option to not rotate table screenshots and videos 180 by default? I never understood why I always had to manually rotate my screenshots until it was explained on another forum that it was a legacy hyperspin compatibility thing. Just trying to avoid duplicate table artwork for different front ends. (Not Y) Thanks
  2. Hello Tom, Would it be possible to put in an option to not rotate table screenshots and videos 180 by default? I never understood why I always had to manually rotate my screenshots until it was explained on another forum that it was a legacy hyperspin compatibility thing. Just trying to avoid duplicate table artwork for different front ends. (Not Y) Thanks
  3. Nice speed improvement with 3.12 Thanks!
  4. Two more hours successful! Not sure if it was turning overlays/logos off, saving, running pinballX, then turning on overlays/logos on, saving running pinballX or if there was some file that got removed when i was visually scrubbing the media directories for odd filetypes or removing those 4k videos. If I nail it down I'll update here. Thanks for the suggestions!
  5. I double checked all wheels, all preview fine. Ran today with overlay company and system on with all 4 screens running videos and 3.5 hours with no issues!
  6. Is there a cache file of some sort for the unerlay/overlays? I turned if off, then on, and it took a long time to load pinballx. now it loads faster and I'm not seeing the memory crash issue. I also found some .psd files in System Overlays I pulled of the ftp and moved them into a dedicated folder. I can do more testing tomorrow, but right now it's looking good.. crossing fingers...
  7. hmm. found a bunch of table mp4 that were 4k recordings I downloaded that I'm playing at 1080p. Would that cause the issue?
  8. I renamed all my video folders so only screenshots would load and it runs for hours. with videos I get the out of memory. Then I only enabled table videos and same memory issue. I reviewed the over/underlays they 'seem' ok at first glance previewing each .png file odd as I used to be able to let it run hours with videos before i rebuilt the box with a clean install of OS and Pinball Apps and went from 3 display gtx 680 to 4 display gtx 1060. PinballX.ini
  9. uninstalled shark007 and tried LAV Also found repetitive pattern to crash pinballx Crashes with or whithout plugins with my sequence. Databases are large. 936 total tables... Attached are several logs log.txt log - Copy (2).txt log - Copy (3).txt log - Copy (4).txt log - Copy (5).txt log - Copy (6).txt log - Copy.txt
  10. Interesting.. 30 min during dinner had no memory issues with both plugins disabled. good sign.. more testing later...
  11. My bad, I checked again and it is a shortcut to a .bat file which contains the following: start "" pinballx.exe PinballX.exe is not set to administrator. (but I tried it both ways).. just kind of bizzarre...
  12. no 4k stuff. playfield 1080p, backglass 1080p, dmd 720p, topper 1600x900 For codecs I installed shark007 standard codecs and x64 components Will try without plugins...
  13. Details: 4 screen setup, feedback, 2 ledwiz, one for focefeedback one for non addressable leds Using 3rd party add-ons dmdext, doflinx, PUplayer
  14. 2.91 same.. also when I get the dialog, some screens have a big red X on it with a white background.. last time it was my backglass monitor...
  15. Figured it out.. And this is bizarre. If I launch PinballX from a shortcut, it works fine (regardless of install path). If I launch PinballX.exe directly DOF does not work and plugin fails to initialize.
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