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About ajcl

  • Birthday 05/12/1967

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    Garlic Town, USA
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  1. Thanks Tom!! deleting data\gamelist.txt and running another update seems to have fixed this. Much appreciated!
  2. Will give that a shot and update this weekend, Had to do some business travel this week.. Thanks!
  3. This forum has always been and is the Best!! ran update again, here's the log - after two update lists. still out of sync added the wrong log, this one is correct - my bad Thank you! log.txt
  4. The codes seem to have solved the intermittent vids not playing, Thanks for the replies! I'm still having mis-matched info, The top portion of the screen shows correct but the bottom game info shows out of sync. The game Dominos shows ( a space invader clone at the bottom info section ) some are showing correctly. Is there a way to remove the lower field. I dont see anything in the setup wiz as it has in full blown GX, Is there a line I can add or comment out in the .ini? Thank you!
  5. Thanks Tom, Will give this a shot and update Thanks!
  6. This was all autodownloaded via games from emu, I did DL the system pack and was going to give that a go. I attached my .ini file. Thanks! GameEx.ini
  7. My apologies if this is out there, I searched and and was not able to find what I'm seeing. I have gameex arcade loading after windows boots. Once I get in GXA it seems that my snaps/vids from within different parts of the menus aren't working consistently and they are out of sync. I noticed them being out of sync isnt with all the games and if this is something I have to live with not a problem.Out of sync meaning within MAME I'll have Indy Heat focused and up top it says the info but at the bottom it's talking about a puzzle game. Here's some screenshots and a short vids of what's going on. https://goo.gl/photos/P1b6u9ocD1UMSMzV6 I have multiple shots of when the snaps/previews are working and then when they're not, It's very intermittent, and sometimes a reboot will fix, but sometimes it won't. The snaps/previews even disappear from the main menu I'm using a Samsung TV Windows Res is set to 1366x768. I have GXA set to 800x600, if that makes any diff with them not showing up, but I'm still running into the syncing issue. Is there a way to not have it display the info for each game at the bottom of the screen? I've attached my GXA log as well. Thanks! Aj log.txt
  8. WOW, that was it.. I didn't realize that we didn't need the dotmatrix any longer. As always the PinballX community is the best!!! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I'm back up and running without Nuke Launcher... PinballX just keeps getting better, Thank Tom and Gang!! Thanks, AjcL
  9. Hi, I'm experiencing some weird behavior after removing nuke launcher and using PBx for PinballFX2. I've got FX2 working with PBx, renamed all the tables in my xml file and removed a few. When I'm in PBx and navigating, I get the back glass, the DMD is displaying on my third monitor, I have a table vid running and audio for the selected FX2 table. But, When I launch, I only get the backglass to come up, The table plays fine. I was able to get the DMD back on the play field as it normally shows in FX2 when playing one of their tables. The strange this is. I haven't renamed any of the Media files for Fx2 to match the XML file at all, But yet, they are still coming up just fine in the PBx navigation and when I launch the table I get backglass and DMD on the play field. I do have a few tables that match the Media, I've tried adjusting the DMD in Fx2, I can get it to resize and move around, but it only shows up on my table field and not on my 3rd monitor. I've tried moving the dotmarix.cfg to the actual folder in steam, and have tried leaving in the root folder of steam, but no luck. I cant get it to move from the table field and the only way I can view it is if I minimize Fx2 and I can see it in the background. I can play around with the DMD settings in Fx2 and get the table to move around in the background on the play field but cant figure out why it wont move to my 3rd monitor. I've removed all instances of Nuke Launcher, cleaned the registry out and cant seem to see why it's not working nor why all of the media shows up in PBx navigation. but when launching a Fx2 table I only get back glass and DMD on play field or behind the play field. if I flip some DMD items off or on in Cabinet support in Fx2 itself. I've also tried doing True in the xml for the DMD My dotmatrix.cfg, matches whats in PBx config, I've attached some files for review. I'm scratching my head over hear, if anyone can offer some advice, What am I missing? Do I need to do a clean wipe :-( I've attached Log file, PBx config, xml file Thank you! log.txt Pinball FX2.xml PinballX.ini
  10. Anyone have artwork for the latest PBFX2 tables, Star wars rebels & Avengers Age of Ultron, I checked FTP site here and don't see anything uploaded yet
  11. Outhere, ​That took care of it, Just followed exactly what Tom was saying in his post about the update, Changed paths and folder name to match the PBX one, updated my grid, bought the two new tables as well .. all good!! Thanks!
  12. SaWeet! I have a default steam install, sounds easy enough, I hope Haha. Good looking out Outhere
  13. Anyone have any problems with the latest update to PinballX?1.97 I know Zen released the Iron & Steel pack and it updated last night for me. Need to adjust my Grid for Nuke Launcher - for some reason after the new PBX update it seems to show all my ZEN games and shows them again but without any graphics in PBX wheel, I need to dbl check everything tonight, just wanted to mention that. it could just be me. Haha!
  14. It has to be your tables listed in NL ini, you have one thing out of whack, comma, spelling, dbl check, I had the same problem and Jeff ended up pointing out I had a comma in the wrong spot I just remembered, Do you have the new Venom table in your Table Listing? That will need to be the last table in the listing,right after Sorcerer's Lair. I know it's not out yet, but it needs to be there and You'll need to change the Grid layout as well, That's 7x8 I believe, that info is posted above. It's normal for launching the first table after the initial NL Good News. Jeff has a way for it to rescan again if that's what you're looking for It's posted on his NL Site.
  15. Move nukelauncher and the ini file out of the common folder and drop them in the steam folder. I was having launching problems and thats what Jeff had me do. Also be sure you have the full path in the NL ini to the xml file. C:\PinballX\Databases\Pinball FX2\myfile.xml
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