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rockyrocket last won the day on December 15 2017

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    Bristol UK

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GameEx God (Top Rank)

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  1. Just going to throw an alternative method with a GUI out here - handbrake can flip or rotate also.... Handbrake
  2. Maybe this one works for you?. Of course its going to be a disapointment now after all the build up.
  3. Fixed.
  4. Guess when you are this good.....
  5. Browsing around I just stumbled on a thread regarding a possible alternative xbox pad emulator. Those using X360ce along with a plunger may find this of interest so thought I would post here, I have not tried UCR in many years so this is untested for pincabs..... Click me Good luck.
  6. That is not impossible you know :). Currently I am catching just the one window (GameEx in windowed mode) to save resources - hence the flash games as they do not spawn a new window with a different title. Not tried it but whole desktop capture is possible with Ovrdrop, Oculus dash also works but I loose the ability to change opacity and fine grained placement. May have a play again sunday .
  7. Not really sure how useful the theme is but uploaded it anyway. So yeah elite is all I really play now (at least for the last three years anyway), and the whole VR thing is a literal game changer - although google earth VR kicks rear as well. I had to use a few out of game tools to pull the panel into game, and also move the play space about around me etc but enjoy that kind of stuff anyway. Youtube rendered that video horribly and and at a really low res for some reason?. Anyway here is another one featuring the universes most versatile front end!.
  8. rockyrocket

    ED Panel

    Version 1.1.0


    Very basic theme based on an elite dangerous Hud.
  9. So the weather here has sucked and I got a tad bored, then decided to skin GameEx to resemble an Elite dangerous panel....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44rtp5LrHGg&feature=youtu.be
  10. Ok thanks for the info, guess some space needs to be created somehow then.
  11. A bit off topic, but is FX3 a big upgrade from FX2 from a gameplay perspective?. Running out of HD space so have a choice to make.
  12. Well not been here for a while - sorry, just got an email from the site. My bluestacks install is now very out of date and stripped of a lot of bloat so would possibly be much different to the latest build, if it aint broke right?. I guess most of the info in that thread should get you up and running apart from the game name for the INI that is found in the google play url for the game so "should" be.... com.farsight.GhostBustersPinball.javaProject&hl=en_GB And the video for aurora should help with mapping input... https://youtu.be/0xvCWOOcOC4
  13. Hey, I was told to try and reach out to you personally for some help.  I really enjoy the ios/android Ghostbusters pinball table (a haunted house reskin) and I got to thinking, "I wonder if it would be possible to get this table on my cabinet some how?" I did some searching around, and stumbled on your post from 2014.  It appeared you found a way to get bluestacks to run with pinballX.  I have tried and I seem to have run into some roadblocks.  I was wondering if you could help me out with this one.  

    Read more  
  14. I have been using an ahk script to launch the kickstarter version which I think is the same as the steam one (they sent a steam key recently for it) To exit I have my pinballX exit key remapped to a taskill command and it works perfectly along with display changer2 to manage the rotation. My cab is not handy right now, but I can dig out what I use tomorrow if you like?.
  15. From my understanding it works just like BAM, tom. Pinball arcade are completely fine with it from what I can see as the support/release thread is on their forum.... http://pinballarcadefans.com/forumdisplay.php/112-FreeCamera-Mod Guess it saves them some dev time .
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