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  1. Is my port supposed to be on 9 that’s what the teensy is using port 9. I just want to test that dot matrix for now so Just 1 line. The cabinet file is from major frenchy.
  2. Not sure if this matters but I can’t find my device on the teensy strip controller, but it shows on the arduino 1.8.19
  3. I think I’ve already done this Mike, is this correct?
  4. What does that mean Mike?
  5. Just trying to test a back matrix for now, I’m on port 9 on my cpu, I have the files but still no dice. I have my sainsmart set up with contactors still no luck with the teensy.
  6. here are some of my files Cabinet.xml globalconfig_PinballX.xml Globalconfig.xml GlobalConfig_B2SServer.xml
  7. DirectOutput.log Cabinet.xml PinballX DirectOutput Plugin.log
  8. going to try setting up teensy that download didn't really do anything on my end, thats my log file, do you have any advice on setting the teensy up? log.txt
  9. UPDATE so I removed these files from pinball X plugins and now I can get pinball x to open with the teensy plugged in. I don’t remember what these files are do you guys know?
  10. I havent got teensy to work yet still a work in progress here. Teensy is added to the dof config, not sure how to disable the plugin, dont know how to enable the log for swisslizard, and no teensy is not working for vpx, i have a dmd in my cab but im just testing everything on a bench with one screen now.
  11. teensy unplugged log.txt
  12. heres with the teensy plugged in. log.txt
  13. So I just figured when the teensy is connected to my pc usb it won’t open PBX when I disconnect the app will open?
  14. Hello, everyone I just downloaded teensy software to get some lights to work on my cab, after watching the video with major frenchy pinball x wont open now.... so frustrating, it tried to open but nothing happens here are some of my files . PinballX.ini DBManagerLog.txt
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