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  1. Hi Mike, I just noticed a windows update before I noticed the loose of my settings. But I don't think, that this is the reason. All my PinCade- files are on drive H:, a relativ new ssd... Yes, surely learned for the future...
  2. Hi Scutters, thanks for your reply. Almost all settings are lost. Customized Text, all startsettings for the different systems. I actually starting to setup from zero. The whole configuration is lost. Made my last backup 2 month ago; have to look, if PinballX is included. My focus mostly was to backup Visual Pinball with working Tables. Sure my fault not to backup PinballX.
  3. Hi Pinball- Freaks. Yesterday my PinballX loses all the settings I made in weeks of configuration Before I handled TPA, VPX, Zaccaria and FX3 without any problems. I don't have any idea, how this "reset" could happen. Is there anybody, who had the same problem like me? Are there any entrys in the windows-registry for the config or is all written into the pinballx.ini? Looking for a smart way to get my nearly "perfect" config back. Maybe a windows update crashes my settings? Thanks, if anybody has a good idea for me. By the way, excuse my bad english. I love PinballX and I use it at my "PinCade", which is a combination with an big arcade part, and when flipping the playfield up, for the above mentioned Pinballsystems. It was a project for nearly two years and it's now running about a half year without any faults. I'm so sad, to loose my config without any cause. Without all those engaged "freaks" in the forums I never get this far with my projekt. So again many thanks to the whole community.
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