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Everything posted by dielated

  1. So just a quick follow up - the exit button will reliably not work to close out of the Guardians of the Galaxy table - I also tried to exit out of VP emulator by force, and it caused Pinball X to freeze, wouldnt let me take back control without restarting. I am trying other 10.7 tables with pup packs to see if I can duplicate the issue...
  2. Hey Mike - I have 10.7 'sideloaded' along with Visual Pinball - I added a folder at c:\visual pinball\10.7scripts , and renamed the .exe file and put it in the main c:/visual pinball directory, and then added as a seperate system in PinballX so I didnt have to change all games at once. I believe I have 'full screen exclusive' checked as an option in both versions of the program that I run, I havent done any 'hacks' or anything. Also to @scutters it is not happening to all tables and I havent been able to make it happen again yet today, I will report back if I can narrow down which tables specifically arent closing out well. One of the repeat offenders is the GOTG tribute table with pup-pack.
  3. Thank you guys - here are screenshots of my Pbx and my pinscape buttons. The couple times this happened yesterday both my cab buttons and the 'Q' or "esc" keyboard keys also didnt respond I have turned off storage sense - will report back if it happens again but hopefully that will do it! Mitch
  4. This is after the wheel images stop displaying
  5. Hi there thanks for any help resolving my issue - - initially I was trying to solve an issue where all wheel images 'disappear', usually after playing a game and returning to front end. I can make the images show by closing / restarting Pbx. I updated to the newest version and the issue continues, and also I have a new issue where I cant seem to successfully close out of some tables, (usually vpx 10.7 tables.) - both my exit button on my cab, and the exit keystroke on my keyboard fail to leave the game, usually I need to force close out of all programs and restart the program log and ini files attached, thanks again for any help getting my frontend working again! Mitch D log.txt PinballX.ini SetupWizard.log XDMDlog.txt
  6. Okay I see, thats dope, and I will definitely consider doing that for myself. Just bc this is the feature recommendation thread though I will just clarify that my main objective is to have difficulty ratings that will show visually in the optional 'info' box in the main PBX menu, beside the star ratings. (If the feature gets added though, it should be filterable too, as you awesome dudes are suggesting). Attached screenshot so you can see what I mean - I would suggest to display it in smaller text, aligned to the right of the 'star' ratings (as you can see I've replaced my star logo with beer mugs hehe I find the info in this window is useful for guests, when I have visitors browsing my menu, and I think the difficulty rating is a 'missing' element that would improve overall user experience and should just be considered for future development
  7. True but then I wouldn't be able to also show the regular star ratings correct?
  8. Hm thats funny - I was wondering if it was something with the windows color config settings, I tried using the default schemes as well as doing the calibration, didn't seem to change my grey screen problem - I hadn't thought to try disabling the task but thats a good idea, I might try that and run a game with my old settings to see if that changes the grey screen issue. I had the same thought that the 1070 might be okay non-exclusive but when I went back to windowed full screen it did take back the performance slightly. It did allow the PBX DMD videos to run, but I had just 'seen the light' in the performance increase to the 1070, couldn't go back to the stutter :/
  9. Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for this amazing piece of software! And thanks for providing all of the awesome support you do for guys like me! Here are the two features I would love to see some day: - an easy / medium / hard rating - similar to the star ratings, to set per game and maybe filterble as well. -the ability to add 'startup notes' that will display on the DMD screen during game load. For example to add 'Don't forget to use magna save buttons!' Or other useful information while the game is being loaded. Thanks again for everything you guys do!
  10. I didn't fully uninstall the old drivers, that didn't occur to me - just took out the old 1050ti , in with the new 1070 and installed the software. Sorry for this wall of text: I didn't change my playfield resolution, but in the resolution drop down in Nvidia Control panel I just changed to '1080p 1920x1080' rather than 'Native 1920x1080'. This fixed 'grey screen' problems I was having with the new 1070 - whenever a game started my blacks would turn grey, the card would ignore my gamma and colour settings. (Apparently a documented issue for Nvidia cards??) When I changed to the '1080p' option my screen now goes black on loading a game (never did before, just showed PinballX loading image until game started) but now does load the games properly, with my Nvidia colour settings etc. But now this new behavior of my screen turning black seems to freezing my PinballX videos... In the end I found an easy work around just by making the videos I wanted to play into 1 video pup packs - but I will look at uninstalling/ reinstalling my graphics drivers again. And yes I probably should try updating PinballX too...
  11. I removed msi afterburner as a startup program and made sure all overclocks are turned off, unfortunately the videos still freeze.
  12. Msi afterburner was running with the old GPU but I have Uninstalled it. New gpu comes with firestorm software which is running. -oh I see I must have left afterburner as a pinballx startup program. Will try adjusting and report back
  13. Just changed my GPU and started having an issue where Dmd videos that used to play during gameplay now freeze-frame when the game is booting and just show a still. After changing my GPU I had to change my display output settings (in nvidia control panel) to use '1080p' HD rather than native resolution. When loading a table my playfield now goes black black momentarily (turn to fullscreen mode) and that is when the video will freeze frame. I have already been running VPX in fullscreen mode with a nvidia card and this didn't happen. I am running PinballX in fullscreen, non-windowed mode. My Dmd videos in the PinballX menu all still work well. I just ran one of the culprit games, exited and attached my log and ini - curious if anyone has any suggestions? log.txt PinballX.ini
  14. Cool! Will try to update again soon. Thanks for all that you guys do!
  15. During my lunchhour I tried downloading the recent build from this past Tuesday, with the same results. I then dug up my original PBX installer file (that I have had working in 64bit since early August) and reinstalled over in 32bit, now the volume issues are gone.
  16. Sorry - got home at lunch to get files. I opened PinballX, used my volume key to force the quit, and attached files right away PinballX.ini log.txt
  17. I am having the same issue after installing the most recent 32bit version last night (was trying to get Teensy Strip Controller working through PinballX and thought 64bit version was causing me issues - after installing the newest 32bit version that is the only change in functionality. I had the 64bit version working smoothly before that (downloaded in July)
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