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  1. Not sure if i have the skill to write one i know how it works, it communicates to steam via steam API and just tells steam to launch a shortcut to a non steam game, and passes over the launch command and a nickname for what is being launched, and it reuses the same gameID so it doesnt fill steam up full of stuff. But knowing how it works doesnt mean much
  2. Respectfully What does that remotely have to do with my suggestion at all? It seems as if you did not even read it and just gave a knee jerk response
  3. I have a feature request Could a feature be made that would announce on steam what you are playing even when it is a non steam game? like what steam launcher does for launchbox lahma0/SteamLauncher: A LaunchBox/BigBox plugin designed to allow games and/or roms to be easily launched through Steam. (github.com)
  4. I have the most recent pinballX I am using your images Scutters for the animated company logos And PcTeknic's animated system logos Maybe it is intended behavior in pinballXlite they do show in pinballx full version, only problem there is the backglass video on top of the table which is not a problem per se, that is where it is, kind of, pinballx just does not realize that the playfield does not take up the entire screen on this laptop and i dont really expect it to understand this PinballX.ini log.txt
  5. Animated system logo with animated company logo, only company appears. That may be normal, but i could not find any info, tried searching the forum. A static PNG will show up under the animated company logo, but a gif or apng will not. Is that normal? if so, fine, so be it, just want to make sure i do not have something set wrong someplace. I am referring to where they show up in the top right side of the screen, when you pick a table, not the system overlay on the wheel i know you cant animate those. Just the images in system logos and company logos
  6. The Logos look great, up in the top right corner Where the animated system logo appears But it also displays them at the top right of the wheel image, with a small non animated system logo on the top left of the wheel image And the DMD style animated ones, like SEGA for example or JP Salas display funny there. Like SEGA is zoomed in on the E and G, dont even see the full letter, and JP Salas, all you see is las blown up real big Zaccaria does not even appear at all. See what it is doing to the SEGA logo here? Can't be the images themselves as you can see they work in the top right but they do not work where mirrored on the wheel Funny thing is, the non animated ones, the neons, they appear on the wheel fine Wonder if i can turn them off on the wheel, it is a bit redundant anyways
  7. Did you have something set up that was listening for the hotkey? Like fraps for example?
  8. Yes, i have the LAV codecs, it still has issues, even with it's own videos recorded from game manager sometimes, strangely enough. I just batch re-encode them for it, and it's happy. I dont usually have more than a 10 second attract video, so it isnt that big of a deal to batch re-encode them Thats not FP specific though. PBX does work with OBS though and Fraps (though fraps couldnt see a 2nd or 3rd screen to save itself) If you lie and say Yes to GPU driver and have one of them standing by. Works for in game anyways, not so sure that works for the game manager recording function
  9. That's using carny priest's modification of PBX Recorder, which uses OBS Studio which captures FP fine with or without the auto hotkey stuff (Your post shows a different clickable link than what shows when i quote you) What shows when i quote you, only does the table, which works regardless of nvidia or not, you just have to obviously set AMD up for the AMD driver capture. But that only does playfield (which i have to convert anyways for pinballX to show them as it does not seem to like to play HEVC video) I've just been using OBS by itself for FP, which actually isnt bad as i can make captures with sound and then i dont need to look for sound files
  10. Unfortunately, how ever Future Pinball renders to the screens most of the front ends do not seem to be able to capture it, you just get a capture of your desktop of a black screen. Fraps captures it fine but only the main screen, and OBS of course, on all screens. I think most of the front ends use FFMpeg, and apparently that does not work so well for FP?
  11. I set up your plug in, this is cool. i took some old 80's music videos and made them look like a DMD. This will be cool, when i get a cabinet together
  12. Very cool plugin tucking this away for when i have the pieces to out a cabinet together
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