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  1. yeah exactly. will it ever happen? i know it'll be extremely useful
  2. I am still wondering if controller support for bumpers, triggers, and the right thumb stick will be implemented? I don't want to open pinnacle when I am in Gameex about to play a game. That's like 3 programs.. well 2 since Gameex looses focus when a game is launched. It's just been awhile when I last posted something like this and was told it would be but never happened. Do I have to beg?
  3. I use GameEx's joymapping for Dreamcast because frankly, I don't want to open a second app. This is why I wish the whole gamepad was mapped. I got tired of the dreamcast's config deleting my control setup. every since I used joymapping in the advance config for gameex, everything has been going pretty smooth. just need the d-pad, right analog, and triggers mapped to be complete. i used to use pinnacle profiler but that conflicts with gameex's control setup which confuses button presses once i am back in gameex. this is why i am waiting for the remaining buttons to be mapped in the advance config for gameex. i tested both pinnacle and gameex's button mapping for halo:ce and i have to say, i love gameex's better. the movement is a little tighter than pinnacle's.
  4. Jollywest, how do you have your PCSX2 setup in the Advance Config? How did you get it run in GameEx?
  5. NICE TOM! Thanks. Joy Mapping in the advance config sorely needs this. I can definitely map some consoles & PC games as soon as this is released.
  6. Thanks for this update. Question though: will there be more button implementation to joymapping like d-pad, bumpers, and triggers?
  7. Still waiting on Tom or Ben (I think Ben Baker)to implement the remaining buttons to GameEx's joypad such as Triggers & Bumpers. Every other button is already mapped. I am tired of opening pinnacle or xpadder to play such games on Dreamcast and PC. Wondering if this feature is tricky or hard to do. If you read this please don't take as though I was upset because I'm not. Just patiently waiting.
  8. KaseKlose

    PC Games

    i tried that. the focus didnt automatically return to gameex. i had to press esc in order for it to return... or is it suppose to happen like that?
  9. KaseKlose

    PC Games

    Alright, I edit the "process close" in the advance config to use esc. ESC was the only option I could use to end the steam game THEN by pressing ESC GameEx would return. But like twotone8 mentioned, I would like to use an autoconfig to wait for the steam game to close before gameex reinitialize...or something.
  10. KaseKlose

    PC Games

    I have Valve's Steam. I am trying to get my almost 40 games on GameEx. Now whenever I start the game, GameEx reopens. My question is: How can I leave GameEx closed until I finish my game without it reopening? I did a search on "PC Games" and I wish specifically it gave me what I wanted to look up but sadly not. Help Gaming Gurus?
  11. Sorry Frequency to get back to you so late. Thank you for the insight. Your suggestions helped alot.
  12. thanks. question: can GameEx force SSF to go into full screen? I have to keep changing the ini to "1". It won't stay full screen. Also once full screen, the picture is "letter boxed"? Edit: It does go into FULL SCREEN mode just have to alt+enter every time. The letter box was just part of the intro to Clockwork Knight. Frequency, I changed the ini to "1" on fullscreendisplay, it doesn't go into full screen mode. I went back to check why...I noticed the "1" doesn't stay put meaning it goes back to "0". Hope this all makes sense.
  13. Is there a way for SSF to go into full screen?
  14. Cool. Thanks Mister Speirs. I hope #2 gets implemented soon... if you do decide to do it.
  15. Thanks for the update. I have 2 questions though: 1.) For videos, what if we have our own box art? could we use that instead? The reason is I have Gladiator (2000) with Russell Crowe but I am seeing Gladiator with Cuba Gooding Jr. I have also alot of director's cuts named for that video and the box art is not showing up. 2.) will there be analog, bumper, & left & right trigger support for a game using joy mapping in the advance config? I hate to open up third party tools like pinnacle or xpadder. I also hate having 2 programs open along with the emulator. Oh, I use an Xbox 360 controller.
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