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  1. So far I have all the directb2s files that are supposedly FX2 located in the FX2_b2s folder under directoutput I have the path set to point to that for FX2 backglasses I have turned off reposition for both DMD and backglass in FX2 with no change... it just locks I tried ALT+TAB and the selected window for FX2 playfield is the screen you see above with loading on it... NOTE: if I remove the directb2s files from the folder and load the board... it loads fine but without backglass.... I dont understand the right click test backglass - is that using the backglass menu or do you mean with DOFLINX right click testing?
  2. so place the mp4s with same names into the videos for FX2 under PinballX and empty out the FX2_B2S folder under DOFLINX correct?
  3. How do you configure the videos? I have the mp4s as well although I would love to have the backglasses work...
  4. This is what occurs when I turn off positioning in Pinball FX2 and launch from PinballX... the table gets "stuck" loading while the DMD is frozen and the Backglass is running
  5. Attached are my DOFlinx.log and pinballx.ini files What occurs is DOFLINX log sees the table and tried to load the backglass... the backglass appears to be loaded with a frozen DMD in front.. however the table never loads (see next reply). NOTE: Visual Pinball X loads fine with backglasses as well as Future Pinball. Here is my DOFLinx.ini # 0 = OFF (normal operation), 1 = ON - When ON a window will appear and a log file will be created in the EXE directory. DEBUG=0 DEBUG_TCP_PORT=8001 # location of your standard DOF outut configuration file DIRECTOUTPUTCONFIG=D:\Emulators\DirectOutput\config\directoutputconfig40.ini DIRECTOUTPUTGLOBAL=D:\Emulators\DirectOutput\config\GlobalConfig_b2sServer.xml PATH_FX2=D:\Emulators\DirectOutput\FX2\ PATH_FX3=D:\Emulators\DirectOutput\FX3\ PATH_FX2_B2S=D:\Emulators\DirectOutput\FX2_B2S\ PATH_FX3_B2S=D:\Emulators\DirectOutput\FX3_B2S\ PATH_B2S_SERVER=D:\Emulators\Visual Pinball\Tables\ AUTO_MX=0 DOFLinx.ini DOFLinx.log PinballX.ini
  6. I am stuck with a issue on my Pinball FX2 backglasses using DOFLINX Looking for assistance from any users out there trying to use DOFLINX with directb2s backglasses with Pinball FX2. NOTE: I have a fully functioning PinballX, VPx, FP using DOF and B2S Backglass Server Example: AlienIsolationPinball.directb2s is stored in the DOFLINX FX2 folder and when in pinballx it shows... The issue I have been having is... I tried to play around with backglasses for Pinball FX2 where these are the dynamic backglasses (directb2s) used by DOFLINX... not png. when I turn off reposition of DMD and Backglass within Pinball FX2... the table never loads.. the backglass may show or it may not but the table is stuck loading. I can exit back to pinballx. If I enable reposition backglass, the table loads but no Backglass and no DMD if I enable reposition DMD as well.. just the DMD shows. I am stuck... if I turn both on and remove the directb2s files the png files I still have in the stream folder load just fine. Thank you in advance
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